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Uppercrust_IV completed The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition
-Game never leads up to anything, never really ends, but just like crack I dunno I can't listen to my better judgement and stop when it's on
-Companions, boooring, probably sniff each other's rears in werewolf form
-Thieves Guild best part of base game, no doubt in my heart, my soul, my mind
-College of Winterhold spawned a dragon once I teleported and accidentally killed everyone oops
-Dark Brotherhood? More like, the Dark Lame er hood
-Solstheim is cool for Raven Rock, the rest is pretty bleh. I don't wanna do another 30 dwarven ruins kid
-Serana, I will deal with decreased hitpoints in the daylight with a stupid vampire form I'll never use all for you šŸ˜

11 days ago

Uppercrust_IV completed P.T.
Transferred it to the PS5. My download lost, crumbled to dust. Iā€™ll never see Darylā€™s wet 2016 face on my screen again šŸ˜¢

12 days ago

Uppercrust_IV completed Coffee Talk
I was in a history of music course, and there was a guy who said that a cover of Claire de Lune from this game was way better than any impressionist composerā€™s music.
I thought if it was a game that he had the confidence to mention in the 30 person class, it had to have something of value. It did not; please forgive them DeBussy šŸ„ŗ

14 days ago

Uppercrust_IV completed Angry Birds
If you donā€™t want to play the awful version being sold right now, you have to get malware on your computer trying to pirate the original through four giant download now buttons. Itā€™s the only way, sorry, I donā€™t make the rules, red creature bird does

14 days ago

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