CS:GO is probably one of the only multiplayer shooters I've enjoyed, which I'd say is from its still unique take on the genre and mirror shine of polish this game has accrued throughout the years. If you haven't played it already it's worth a shot since its free.

The Mass Effect Trilogy easily became one of my favorite pieces of science fiction media, from its incredible characters to its stellar writing, you can't go wrong with this collection. The Legendary Edition delivers a much more visually striking and polished version of these acclaimed games making them easy to jump in and avoid some of the early Xbox 360 clunkiness found in earlier titles. I wholeheartedly recommend this collection to anyone considering picking it up.

Mass Effect 3 is a game with quite a few faults but overall holds its own throughout the triliogy. Although it should be noted I played through it with all the DLC and I got a much more complete experience and improved ending than the solo game. ME3 has solid enough combat to keep it from feeling stale but the RPG elements have been notably toned down, reminding me more of a telltale game rather than the 1st game or similar games like Fallout: New Vegas. Mass Effect 3 is easy to recommend to any fan of the series.

Arkham origins is a weird game. It does everything the previous games did with little to no innovation. The combat is as janky, annoying, and fun as ever, but it just gets tedious having to deal with the same faults that marred the previous titles. It feels odd playing this game last, especially after the release of games that do this style of combat significantly better like spider-man. I can recommend this game to batman Arkham fans easily but to anyone else, I find it difficult to suggest.

I'm unsure as to why so many people dislike this DLC. I personally found it significantly more compelling than the foundation DLC, but I do acknowledge this is likely because of my love for Alan Wake. It's not much different from the base game, so if you like that you're bound to have a good time for its roughly 3-hour run-time. If you like Alan Wake then this DLC is a no-brainer.

Honestly pretty underwhelming. It's not a bad DLC just a lot of the same as the base game with not much to differentiate it. There really isn't a compelling narrative driving you along and keeping you interested. The DLC is carried by the strength of Control's style and gameplay which keeps this DLC an enjoyable enough ride to consider checking out.

There's so much to discuss about mass effect 2 that it would be difficult to shorten it to a short paragraph. So, to keep it brief, Mass Effect 2 has a good enough main plot with excellent characters to keep you engaged for its roughly 20 hour run time. The combat is meh but greatly improves with a keyboard an mouse, but nothing to write home about. If you play Mass Effect 2 it's for the dialogue between characters, as that makes up most of the run time and is so well written you'll forget these aren't real people with real problems.

While there are some things the first game does better, dying light 2 is overall a superior game to the first. The game manages to improve upon its predecessor without straying to far away and leaving a niche the first game still occupies. One of my biggest complaints to note with the game is that the night does not have the same terrifying feel as found in the first game, I often spent most of my time at night as it felt like there was all reward no risk.