5 reviews liked by User_F

i'd give it 0 but i physically cannot

So much fun, plain and simple. Really makes you FEEL like a parkour robot ninja.

It's AssCreed 1, the purest form of the series. Incredibly weird controls, very slow gameplay pace. You get high as shit before every assassination. A vibeless game that feels like walking through Silent Hill mists. Somehow developed it's own completely unique style in a really strange era.

THE Assassin’s Creed. Assassin’s Creed is one of my all time favourite games, it’s the game that made me think of games in a totally different way than I had my entire life up to that point, it was a realisation that games can be so much more than just “fun”, they can be thought provoking, they can connect people thousands of miles away through online discourse, they can be escapism in a form that I had never understood before the first Assassin’s Creed and most of all, video games can be made specifically for you, sometimes other people wont get it, they’ll call it bad, outdated, clunky, repetitive and boring. But if you get it… if it speaks to you, then it doesn’t matter in the slightest. I’m sure there are plenty of people who will tell me I’m wrong, that AC1 is an old boring game with repetitive missions that was only improved on in later entries and while you’re absolutely entitled to feel that way, I don’t care, because I get AC1 on a fundamental level, I get this game and I have always felt it gets me. From the intrinsically layered narrative that always has something to say, to the methodical and deeply immersive gameplay, the gorgeously atmospheric visual style or the musical genius from Jesper Kyd, I genuinely believe this game is a masterpiece in the most unique of ways and everyone that worked on it, completely outdid themselves. The Ezio trilogy is spectacular and manages to continue the story in a way that was never not satisfying and intriguing, but AC1 is unique, there’s nothing quite like it and whether I’m 10 years old or 26, Assassin’s Creed 1 will always capture my attention as what is to me, personally, the perfect Assassin’s Creed.