Personally my favorite Call of Duty Game. It has just the perfect amount of futurism I admire in a videogame or fictional world overall, and the Paint it Black commercial had me hooked the moment I saw it. The day I got that game I just couldn't let go of it. 5/5

Part of the greatest pop-culture era to exist, and I am willing to give it a 5 simply because of the influence it had on the MLG culture. 5/5

4/5 for far cry 4. What can I say the wast world is quite impressive, the setting nice and the villain is quite charming, but I finished this game in under 15 minutes so that's a bit quick (I just don't find the world to be that deep to give it a 5). 4/5

Not as fun as people make it out to be. Me being a huge Lord of the Rings fan since I was 3 years old might just have ruined this experience for me. 3/5

Hands down the best fighting game on the market for as long as it stood, and I love fighting games. There is just so much depth and content to it It just lures you in and keeps you in the flow state for as long as your playing, whenever it's against family on couch, or against strangers in a compepetive match. 5/5

One of the best Lego Games out there. What makes it so special is after you get to beat the great and complete story-line filled with loved by everyones villains, motives and music, we later then get to transform from the Batcave into the villains den and play all the missions again but from the perspective of our beloved villanous characters. 5/5

Untill this point the only co-op (other than lego games with my simblings) which has had me hooked on it. It might be fun to only play it once, but it's a special experience you and the other person your playing with will not forget. 5/5

It's boggling to me that this game has a higher user review than the precedessor but it is still a Yakuza game so have a 5. It's the only game in the series which i seriously belive needs a remake to truly shine. 5/5

Beatiful game. While I didn't find much insetive to continue playing it or finish it, it is Beatiful for what it is. 4/5

5 stars for Yakuza 5. Why? Because it's in the name. 5/5

AN INCREDIBLE SEQUEL that goes harder, stronger, faster, and never stops. Hotline Miami 2 is the gasoline that was poured on a fire which Hotline Miami caused creating an even greater experience for all of its fans and newcomers who loved the genre. 5/5

It's crazy, and ridiculous and will keep you thinking if winning this game is even possible in the first place. Welcome to Risk of Rain 2, a 3D game so badass it's a sequel to a 2D game. Filled with a variety of classes, and items with which you'll get to play around so much you just can go insane with the amount of things happening on your screen. 5/5

No way your gonna play this game and not say its perfection GODHAND out of 5

I have to give this game 5 stars only because it's from Poland,- Nice zombie game: 5/5

Just a great fun with simblings!,- 5/5