221 Reviews liked by V1C7OR

wait is that a tank in the hallway, HOLY S-

I might really hate what the series has become nowadays, but it's hard to deny that those first 2 games and Birth By Sleep weren't some of the greatest J-RPGs ever back in the day and hell they still hold up really damn well too.

This one is certainly a bit more clunky than the others, but still a lot of fun, the bosses were well designed and the story was solid too, very simplistic light vs dark story and not ridiculously over-convoluted. Yoko Shimomura's score always made exploring those vivid and colorful Disney worlds a treat as well. Truly a classic.

Genre-defining is a very apt descripting for this game. The gameplay is top notch, the audio is amazing keeping my pulse racing every time, and the extra scenarios really pushed me to my limit. A supreme game for a supreme series.

This will always be the best CoD. An awesome campaign + a legendary multiplayer. What more could you want?

Pizza delivery theme plays in the distance

I have a slight fondness for semi-realistic FPSes such as this, and this one is quite a fun one.

This might be the greatest couch co-op game ever.

My dad played this more than I did. Still a good time though, and the soundtrack is really good.
