90 Reviews liked by VA_Yagi

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Shovel Knight is probably the best indie platformer imo and it consistently is among my favorite platformers. Shovel of Hope is back when it was just called Shovel Knight, before the DLC campaigns (as great as they are). I have memories of grabbing the original Shovel Knight on the 3DS one night in 2014 after hearing ravings from gaming YouTubers and a close friend of mine about it. It was just as great as they hyped it up to be, at least in my opinion. Nonetheless, it's been a while since I actually sat and played through all of Shovel Knight, and I have yet to even beat King of Cards, so I've decided I'll start playing through all the campaigns one-by-one. Where better to start than here at the beginning? Also, please note that, for some reason, the 3DS is not listed as a viable platform here on Backloggd; I have no idea why because I can clearly still play it through Shovel Knight Treasure Trove and it was one of the consoles the game originally made its debut on, but oh well. I suppose it isn't entirely inaccurate by technicality to label it as Nintendo Switch since I have played and beat Shovel of Hope on that platform, too.

The best part of Shovel Knight is, of course, the gameplay. Its a good old fashioned 2D platformer that takes the great design beats from classic NES games like Mega Man (levels always ending with a boss and you have some freedom in picking which level + boss you want to beat first), DuckTales (mainly in some of Shovel Knight's moves with the most obvious example being his pogo-stick-like descent), and Super Mario Bros. 3 (overworld map and events that pop up on it), yet still has its own identity with some really cool level design that stands out. I will say it might take some getting used to how the game feels; don't get me wrong, the game has excellent controls in my opinion, but the movement is a bit on the slower side and there's no run button so you might feel sluggish. You could argue that's only reasonable for a guy clad in full armor, though. The game is nice and simple, but don't mistake simple for easy. I still died plenty of times and I'm a relatively experienced 2D platforming fan who's already played this game several times before, as long ago as that might have been. Death never feels cheap and it also doesn't feel frustrating because the game is pretty generous with checkpoints and the only thing you lose for dying is a bit of progress and some gold. Stuff like the relics that have special effects for a mana cost and the different upgrades give you plenty to do with all that gold you're gathering up, although honestly the only relic you need is the Phase Locket which kinda breaks this game in two with how overpowered straight up invincibility can be. Once you get all the mana upgrades, boss fights become a big game of "spam the Phase Locket". I think there should've been some kind of catch to overusing this thing, like a high mana cost, because it trivializes boss fights as is. It's a shame since these bosses are all rather unique in their own ways and are fun to fight, plus you get awesome guest boss fights against the Battletoads if you have an Xbox/PC or an infamously canon fight against Kratos on PlayStation consoles. As far as I remember, all the DLC campaigns seem to have taken the criticisms against the Phase Locket to heart and have not introduced something with a similarly crazy invincibility effect. Nonetheless, despite these very minor complaints, Shovel Knight knocks it out of the park in gameplay.

The story...I suppose there is a little, so it might be worth talking about. Basically, Shovel Knight and Shield Knight were an inseparable famous duo of heroes fighting together until they find a cursed artifact in the Tower of Fate, which corrupts Shield Knight into the Enchantress and makes Shovel Knight think she's dead. That's all you really get as far as immediate story, but you get some somewhat interesting little bits of lore shown here, like how Polar Knight has a history with Shovel Knight (bit of a shame he didn't get his own DLC campaign to expand upon that a little). Black Knight plays an antagonistic role but he stresses that he's not serving the Enchantress but instead chasing his own goals, whatever those might be. Black Knight does save Shovel Knight after he's highly injured from freeing Shield Knight and facing the true form of The Enchantress, which was cool. Yea, the story starts off very basic here, but it made for a good starting point for the DLC campaigns to expand upon it a little. I recall Specter of Torment in particular has a pretty good story, but I'll get to that when I get to it. Also, Shovel of Hope (and really anything Shovel Knight) has a really fun, charming writing style. It feels whimsical and silly, with all the knights having some kind of fun over-the-top personality and even mundane villagers having some amusing things to say.

Overall, Shovel Knight is a very solid platformer imo. I feel there isn't a ton I can say about it in comparison to other games I've reviewed, I really don't have much at all to complain about and the game has been reviewed to death already. Its just a damn good game. 5 stars from me

Incredibly shocked over the game's quality being somewhat superior to the most recent Sonic Team games. Game flow, level design, animations (like how do they do it even better than Sonic Team), music and replayability are all highlights here. A few things I'm critical about personally is the short length, stiff turning for the characters, Knuckles/Rouge gameplay (specifically them feeling much heavier than they usually do) and Rouge's voice acting (like how the fuck did they mess it up that bad). Other from those, the quality for this game is extremely surprising for an iOS game. Recommend playing this game with a game controller for the best experience.
Shame that it's an Apple Arcade exclusive, but if you ever get a subscription or use your trial, this game is a must play for the service.

Please Sega give Sonic Team more development budget or allow Hardlight to assist development in the next game. And I pray for this game to get ported to consoles in the future.

Yakuza 0 with less polish. Don't get me wrong, it's still a good game in a lot of ways. The new cutscenes that flesh out Nishiki's downfall are easily my favourite part of this whole package and were such a smart inclusion. That being said, this remake feels so not right and suffers from having some serious missed potential. You can tell this didn't get the same care or budget as something like Yakuza 5 or Yakuza 0. The best I can describe Kiwami is that it does everything 0 does but lesser and worse. Cutscenes look cheap and kinda unappealing,. The substories are forgettable because its remaking a game that had forgettable substories. The long battles and bosses are worse. The combat wasn't really made with Yakuza 1's areas in mind, Although I can look past that since it's still one of the best combat systems in the series. It dials back Yakuza 0's 8 varied styles to just Kiryu's 4 styles that all feel much more refined and balanced with the Dragon of Dojima style now being able to be switched to freely. It's really fun to play and I'm glad it wasn't wasted on one game.

Kiwami is a good game that is worth checking out (it goes on sale a lot) but you're probably not gonna love it the same way as Yakuza 0. Whether or not it's a good remake of the original is up to debate because Kiwami and the original both offer different experiences. I'd say to just play both and form your own conclusion

This is one of the best games ever made
Majima my beloved

But for real, there's nothing new to add to what has already been said about this phenomenal game. I guess my main gripe with 0 is the side content since some of it is either tedious or filler, but I can forgive that because of how amazing the story, music, gameplay and the character exclusive side businesses are. I'm thankful this game saved Yakuza in the west and more people get to experience this amazing series.



It was the summer of '95. Batman Forever was in theaters, Cotton Eye Joe was on the radio, and uhh hold on let me google something...uhh The NATO bombing campaign against Bosnian Serb artillery positions begins in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was a time of change, revelations, revolution, and at the forefront of all this was one man, nay, a creature. A green guy with a big game and an even BIGGER attitude. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in style, as well as his huge cock. The man, the myth, the legend, the thing on everyone's mind, a one-syllable name that could move mountains and catch lightning: Bug!

Ahh, The Summer of Bug. Of course I wasn't born at the time to experience it, but if I had a time machine, the first thing I would do is transport myself to August 1995, to be there amongst the people that Bug brought together. The comradery, the kinship, the warmth of men setting aside their difference for one day, to unite in the reverie brought on by Bug's release. But of course, I'm only recounting what has already been extensively documented, analyzed, and mythologized in the past decades since that day. Echoes of Bug's influence can be heard throughout our daily lives, in everything we see and do, Bug has its place. This is, as everyone knows, why every family in the world always leaves one seat at the table empty, for it is Bug's place to sit. The term "monogamy" is now obsolete, as any couple fully understands they are in a relationship with not just their partner, but with Bug as well.

(In the year 2072) My two horrible grandchildren who want me dead: "Shut up, grandpa! We hate this story and we hate Bug! We like our other grandpa better, he has a region-free Saturn with a 4MB RAM cartridge!"

Oh ho ho, you kids. Someday you'll understand. You'll understand that your other grandpa is going to hell, along with anyone else who covets the RAM cartridge. Ahhh, all this recounting is making me tired, let your old peepaw nap for just a minute.

Goes to sleep, never wakes up again



I wanted to play this game as a goof and just hear the rest of the OST because the first world sounds funny as hell and all I got was "How in god's name did this game even get good reviews at the time" this game does not hold up whatsoever and was a waste of space on the Saturn.

Considering what was out alongside it too it just makes me wonder why did it even get a spotlight from critics, and why did it even get a sequel.

The only positive things I can say is the Yeti Boss and Final Boss (the Spider) looking cool. That;s really it. Don't fucking bother with this.

I really enjoyed this game. While I can definitely see the lack of budget I think this game mostly holds itself together with a story that is one of the better ones in the series. I was pleasantly surprised by a lot of things, and the ending was incredibly heartwarming and makes me look forward to things to come. Just wish I didn't have to go back to that damn boat so many times.

Yep that man sure erased his name

Neat little platformer with solid music and neat visuals. I like the setting and character designs alot but it doesn't do to much to spice up the formula. Double tap to run was a bit annoying but something I got used to.

Defs worth playing if you want something short.

A giant improvement over X-Men: Children of the Atom, thanks to its Arcade Mode actually being fun to play!
The cast of characters is also extremely fun, ranging from iconic pics to more obscure characters. Simply really fun to play!

Absolutely magnificent and brilliant. I think this might be my game of the year



I'll never forget when people pretended this game was a secret masterpiece for like two weeks after Min-Min was announced for Smash Ultimate and then went right back to not acknowleging it.

a previous reviewer called this "like playing an anime" and that's accurate. while it contains only the most barebones of srpg elements, they are engaging enough, and tied with really charming character designs and setpieces in a pretty distinct world (sort of 1920s steampunk japan).

that being said... i have to mark an entire star off for iris. i almost dropped the game twice because of how viscerally uncomfortable i was. i understand people have different tolerances for this stuff, but almost an entire chapter of a (ten year old) child saying "i love you big brother please marry me hold my hand" etc was like... really unforgivable. you can say something about cultural differences... i don't give a shit.

anyway, kanna is my 6'6 wife and more games should let me date girls who can dunk

This is just like Persona but without the gameplay