90 Reviews liked by VA_Yagi

Review in progress:
Oh boy, I can't wait to pay $20 a year to use the game I paid for! Console gaming sure is great! Even with a stylus, creating levels is a lot harder on the Switch compared to the Wii U. The UI is cumbersome. The single player is over very quickly. Very overpriced for what you're getting.

stay in the mii costume you filthy animal

For a mobile game (all the ports are the same game in better frames), it’s good— and replayable since you never really run out of missions.

After that?

It’s just a game exploiting lonely otaku culture. You got a paycheck? Burnt on a character or weapon that isn’t GUARANTEED. Got mommy/daddy’s credit card? Ruin their credit. The characters are not charming or unique in anyway, and the voice acting (English mainly) sucks. It’s really just Breath of The Wild without much creativity.

Story? You lose your sister/brother (player determined) and you have to find them. Does any of the missions you do relate to that? Nah. Do a bunch of main missions that feel like side quests to get to know an irrelevant pair of characters that have nothing to do with that storyline.

People will swear and die on the hill that this is an amazing game. It’s mediocre.

If that’s your opinion, then it isn’t respectable. Jump off that hill.

(Seriously don’t jump off a hill just seek help. You have a gambling addiction)

Society where this game has fast travel:

I finally got around to playing a 3D Metroid game!
Yep, it's one of the best in the series, and the Remastered graphics only make it better. The controls are spot-on, the combat is pretty satisfying and the transition of the exploration aspect from 2D to 3D was done really well! Maybe there were a couple of times I got lost, but that didn't really affect my overall enjoyment with this title. Doesn't quite reach Super for me, but Prime was a fantastic time!

i love getting mildly punched by bluto and being flung to another island while my launch speed rapidly accelerates mid-flight

They did it. They made a Zelda game where I give it a 5/5!
Now, it's not perfect, it still has some quirks like there being a bit too many Blessing Shrines and how some of their locations didn't make much sense, but considering how much fun I had throughout from the many things I did, many of which I won't say to avoid spoilers, I really couldn't care.

Even if you're not a Zelda fan, or even if you didn't play Breath of the Wild, I highly recommend this game!
Although if you already didn't like what Breath of the Wild, chances are this game won't really jibe with you.

The only Pikmin game I had previously played through in full was Pikmin 3 but that was a decade ago and I don't remember too much of it. I did not expect to enjoy this game as much as I did. I've never played Pikmin 2 (at the time of writing this review) but the caves were very cool and featured some nice challenges, though some felt like they overstayed their welcome. Oatchi also made the game very unbalanced in the latter half but I was doing a no Pikmin deaths run so that kept the game difficult for me the whole way through. Overall a very fun and solid RTS I'd definitely recommend to anyone who likes strategy games. Hopefully Pikmin 5 won't take as long to come out as this game did.

would be 6 stars if bulbmin were present

i love MUSIC and i love WOMEN

Pretty solid Pac-Man maze game! The maze concepts, gameplay, visuals and the surprisingly great music were highlights of this game for me, though I'm not a fan of the required backtracking around the end of the game and the strict difficulty of the time trial levels. It does get repetitive during long playthroughs occasionally. But overall, a neat game for it's time.
Finished 72% and 54 stars collected.

This game was a great time, ngl.
It is not without its flaws, mainly the unexpected QTEs. I also feel like the story pulled fake-outs a bit too many times. It wasn't a bad story, far from it, but I also feel like it borders on a few anime stereotypes, which does make sense, considering the game was made in Japan, but it wasn't necessarily all great.
The highlight of the story was definitely the characters, they were really fun to watch and see them interact with each other.
Now, when it comes to the gameplay, it's really fun! It takes a lot of bases of Devil May Cry (and other hack 'n slash contemporaries) and while it doesn't really revolutionize a whole lot, it brings in a very fun experience!
I'm glad I finally got around to playing this one, I highly recommend it!

to think an april fools joke would get me into visual novels

For an April Fools joke, this is surprisingly well done! To think Sonic would be the one to get me into visual novels in general is.......a bit surprising? (i mean eggman got me into chainsaw man late last year) The art is gorgeous and the writing is surprisingly stellar as well! On top of the pretty good ring collecting mini-game and references to the 2000s era games, they put a lot of effort into this joke and I enjoyed it greatly.
and it only took them sonic's ascension to get me into a new genre of games