I really thought the game wasn’t that bad huh.

I am so mad I wasted my money on this and then it came to steam

This feels like a game for conservatives 🤢

You know what I need to bring this down half a star, the English dub was utterly painful and made me cringe.

I’ll replay it in Japanese and see how I feel.

They really need to let the Game Freak devs out of the attic man.

Not much to say here, it’s really just Tekken 3 with more characters, better graphics, and no story. Still really good tho!

Weird, dated, wobbly localization aside, this game was fantastic! You play as newcomer Shinjro Taiga, nephew to previous protag Irchiro Ogami, and go to New York City. Exploring the city was wonderful, as a person who used to live in New York I remembered all of the locations that were there, which was very nice and. The game also has a more advanced version of the LIPS system from previous games, choices are much more difficult but I think that added to the challenge. The story is fantastic too with character development that I thought was really nice over the chapters and well-paced, though I was not a fan of the fifth chapter. In addition battles have an added layer of challenge and strategy to them, featuring a lot more enemies and a reworked gameplay system spawning from the third game in the series. The characters for the most part are all really great, with Gemini (who I ended up romancing) and Subaru being my favorites. All-in-all a fantastic experience and I can't wait to play New Game+.

Dude this game is peak, the physics are on point, the game visually looks better than ever with the amount of particle effects and fantastic-looking locales and character models, the combat is excellent and does a great job immersing you into battle, and the camera options, including an amazing first-person mode are great. Music is also amazing as well, as expected from Takenobu Mitsuyoshi. If you are a fighting game fan, this is a must-play, I highly recommend this game. Probably my favorite game in the series so far.

Just about better than the first game in every way imaginable. Better graphics, better physics, better framerate, everything just functions and works a lot better. Still a bit basic, but a marginal improvement over the previous installment.

Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles is a remake of Rondo of Blood that improves the game in just about every aspect. Not only does it add 3D graphics and voice acting as well as a new art style that helps modernize the game, but the game also has several other improvements such as better movement options for Richter and Maria, as well as new content in the form of games that can be unlocked by the player and different pathways that spruce up the game’s progression. The game feels a lot better to play as a whole than the original thanks to these QOL improvements. It does come with the original game as well as Symphony of the Night which is a direct sequel to the game, for people who have not played those I highly recommend experiencing them too, even if I do consider Dracula X to be superior overall to the original Rondo of Blood.


Wow this is like shockingly really bad. Like damn, for a console with so many bangers and hidden gems I was surprised how awful this game is. First off what is with the art direction in this game it’s so ugly. Everything looks like it was hit with a goddamn cartoon frying pan. Second off, these levels man. I think the general concept is stellar, 2.5D worlds you can go in and out of the foreground. Sounds great to me right? It’s terrible. The movement from Bug is so stilted and stiff and going anywhere always feels like a challenge. Doesn’t help these levels are so fucking long and the boss designs really don’t help matters. Idk man, only look into this if you are like me and are really curious about the Saturn’s history. Otherwise, just play any other game from the console it’s not worth it.

Was surprised to see the mixed reception this game has, I think this is a wonderful platformer and just oozes so much charm. Love the level settings being based off of different toys and I think the boss designs are great as well. It's a shame more people haven't been able to experience this game because it's a classic SEGA platformer that charmed me to bits.

It’s Columns but Sakura Wars! What else can really be said lol. It was a fun time and I enjoyed the expanded characterization of some of the side characters who didn’t get much time in the main game, I think Yuri, Kasumi, and Tsubaki were my favorites and I loved the added character for Ayame. Just a goofy side adventure that was a fun time from start to finish.

A very unique fighting game for its era, Fighting Vipers is a very physics-based game that has a unique feel to it. Characters will bounce around depending on the momentum of your attacks and your actions in battle show this. The fighters are all very unique. I played as Bahn and Raxxel and I loved both their playstyles. Additionally, since I played the Japanese version, I got a special appearance from Pepsiman, who serves as a secret final boss. Overall Fighting Vipers is a fighting game classic, and I urge anyone to check it out!