A neat little 5-minute 3-stage pixel porn game. The animation is fantastically done and delightfully bouncy, right from stage 1. The focus on gamefeel is pretty unique for a porn game and the tactile sensation of the, uh, squeezing in stage 2 is utterly palpable. Even the shaking of stage 3 has a distinct physical feel in trying to get the rhythm just right. Kinda wish the game lasted more than like 5 minutes, but a nice bit of fun for what it is.

As a 3D animated porn it's like a 9/10. As a "game" though, since this is ostensibly a gaming website, I'm basically rating a DVD scene select menu. The animation's top of its class in terms of 3D hentai, especially for 2016, and the voice acting's great. I know literally nothing about Liru as a character, and from what I hear apparently the characterization here has absolutely nothing to do with how she is in Renkin san-kyuu Magical, but nevertheless the voice actress does a great job portraying the genki tomboyishness of...the creator's idealization of the character, I suppose. The few background tracks featured are actually pretty nice and relaxing, beautiful even. I especially like the guitar in the title theme. Also, I think the game has some sort of microphone feature, where you can literally shout the responses instead of clicking on them? I can't even begin to comprehend the level of horny you'd have to be to use that feature, but props to you if you do.

The writing is bad and cringy. The art and animation however, is extremely well-done. The hand-drawn 2D animation has 1000% more love and effort put into it than the stiff, uncanny movement of some of the shoddy Live2D work I've seen in some other popular horny visual novels. I know the sex scenes are the main draw here, but the sheer quality of the artwork just kinda makes me wish the story was worth anything at all.

Banger soundtrack. Game is alright, though playing manually during combat kinda sucks. You gotta buy the AI upgrades for the game to feel fair. Having your gladiators die feels really punishing to the point where I honestly just feel like resetting to avoid the hassle.

Also, as others have said, the developer had a weird mental breakdown in the game's patch notes. Kinda funny, but also sad. Dude could've put that energy into making some pretty good games, this one had some nice ideas going for it. Shame.

A fun, cheerful rhythm game featuring various electronic tracks from Chinese/Japanese artists. Honestly pretty good for music discovery for this genre since I have absolutely no idea how I would ever even come across Chinese language EDM otherwise. The presentation is incredibly polished and the anime girls' designs really nail the cute/sexy feel they're going for. The gameplay feels a little simplistic though, as there's really only two "lanes," the ground and air. Perfectly suited for mobile, though on PC it feels a bit lacking in depth compared to other rhythm games.

Unironically one of the best indie fighting games. Had a blast playing this with friends. I don't understand why Divekick always gets props for a being an accessible minimalist fighting game when this game is right here and is infinitely more hype and at least 50% less cringe.

This review contains spoilers

Having the first moral choice in the game be "should we allow child labor?" goes so fucking hard.

Still the best item shop game out there currently. Atmosphere is pleasant, characters are cute, and the free market randomness is just chaotic enough to be interesting throughout many playthroughs. But good god, do I HATE the dungeons. The actual combat is so uninteresting and tedious and the grind has never been realer, especially when the game is specifically based around crafting and finding specific random drops. The haggling is SO fun though, and if it wasn't for the damn dungeons eating up what feels like half of the play time I'd be playing this a lot more.

Pretty much the only viable platform for online riichi mahjong for english speakers, (besides trying to figure out tenhou with a guide). Good amount of players, I can pretty much always find a game within a couple minutes. No major glitches, at least from the few months I played. And the presentation is reasonably shiny for a mahjong client. The gacha is incredibly superfluous, and not really implemented well to the gameplay in my opinion. The character designs are okay, though the voice acting's not bad for the few lines the characters speak during a game. Also the quests and events feel incredibly same-y and all kinda blend together, all adding up to a feeling like the extra features just don't really matter at all in the end.

As a way to play mahjong online, it's perfectly quality, though. Probably your best option right now, honestly.

Has the potential to be the greatest procedurally generated fantasy sandbox game ever created but is also marred by having the worst user experience I've ever seen in a video game. I spent more time and effort learning how to play this goddamn game than I did for my major. And as infinitely complex as the mechanics are, I still don't think it actually has to be this way. Maybe in a decade or two when the game gets anywhere near the realm of being "finished," the developer will finally have time to add quality of life improvements. Not counting on it, personally.

If you don't mind having to learn the game, it's pretty good though.

Back then we called it "TF2 but with hot girls" but in retrospect, this game (and its predecessor) literally predicted Overwatch, MOBAs, and just like, competitive esports in general. Honestly, this game had some big ideas that just didn't quite hit as hard as it clearly wanted to. It also had this weird emphasis on grabs as part of the meta that was pretty unique and cool but also strange to wrap your head around. Honestly, wish we could've seen more from the franchise.

A classic in the world of non-japanese porn games and probably still the most polished of the admittedly pretty niche genre of text-based sandbox erotica. The body transformation options are incredibly varied and pretty creative. Leave it to furries to come up with some weird kinks involving animal anatomy you didn't even know you were interested in. Some of the rng elements, though, can be a bit finnicky, requiring some grinding to get the outcome you want. The quality of writing also varies, as it seems to be multiple authors, but they did manage to write a few scenes that worked pretty well for me personally, so hey, I'll call that a success.

To be honest, it would've been better if it wasn't a roguelike. The story and atmosphere are so strong that if they had manually tailored the combat progression more rather than leave so many elements up to random chance, it would've felt more of like a polished experience which would've better served the cinematic vibe they're going for. Otherwise, some pretty solid sci-fi that, in my opinion, succeeds in making the player asks themselves some pretty interesting philosophical questions, the goal of any good sci-fi really.

(Content warning: rape)

A hentai gacha game with a dark magical girl theme. Aesthetically and plot-wise it liberally takes a lot of inspiration from Madoka Magica. There's actually two versions of the game, Magicami, the "safe" version which does not have sex scenes, and Magicami DX, the nsfw version which does. This review is for the DX version, since I imagine most people play that one, obviously.

Aesthetically, the game looks pretty dang good, especially for a browser game. The girls are cute and they have a sizeable variety of magical girl outfits to wear, and roll for of course. I actually quite like the monster designs. Since the theme is dark magical girl porn, the monsters accordingly are also sexy demon creatures, some of which have been horrifyingly transformed into pretty disturbing abominations. You can see the spider demon in the cover art here I think, where she has like sexy human legs instead of spider legs, it's frankly disturbing but also kind of rad, not gonna lie.

The characters are pretty cute, and personality wise actually rather likeable, a lot of which I think is owed to the quite decent voice acting. The goal, I think, is to endear you to the characters so that you can be adequately horrified when they, in accordance to the plot, horribly lose and then get tortured and uh, raped, by the monsters. A lot of the sex scenes I'm pretty sure are rape scenes by the way, so if you were looking for something more Jun'ai or vanilla, there's probably better games for you to play. And let me tell you, for better or worse, the voice acting is horrifyingly good during the rape scenes. They, uh, really sell the tortured screaming, I guess. Even the guy main character has some pretty gnarly screams of despair. The performances as a whole are like, genuinely disturbing and don't exactly put me in the mood, personally. I'm not really sure why these are in a porn game? Though I guess if you have a rape kink, that's like, part of it, probably. They're thoughtful enough to put a content warning before the scene happens though, so that's nice.

Gameplay wise it's actually not bad, if you like jrpg combat. The animations are snappy and the dynamic camera angles combined with the clean Persona-esque UI make battles rather nice to look at. The battle music also reminds me of Persona, to be honest. It's nothing too especially interesting though, and you can just auto-battle once you get sufficiently strong enough anyway.

Overall, a pretty decent game if you have a rape fetish, but probably not worth it otherwise.

Well-made gacha auto-battler with an extreme emphasis on cuteness. Gameplay is typical of the genre, where the only real decisions you make are team composition, and which gear to grind for with your daily stamina. As usual, there's pretty much never any reason to turn off the auto battle and fast forward buttons.

What sets this game apart is the fully voice acted story, fully animated anime style cutscenes, and legitimately banger music. Cygames puts a lot of thought into making their games look extremely polished and professional, and they put more effort than I would expect for a gacha game.

For example, every time there's an event, you hear an instrumental of the main event theme on the main event page. There's a different version of the same theme throughout the event stories. And by the time you get done with the event quest, you get presented with a fully animated musical credit sequence where the theme now has lyrics, sung by the main characters featured during the event. It's cute, and indicative of way more time and effort put in than I've seen in other games in the genre. This amount of polish is even more apparent in their latest game, Uma Musume.

The biggest criticism I have (outside of being a gacha game), is that the overall tone of the game is waaay to cute for me, personally. As much as I love wholesome cuteness, most of the dialogue seriously makes me feel like I'm losing IQ points. There's kawaii, and then there's saccharine, and somehow this game has managed to go even beyond that. All the characters are just SO DUMB and since they're trying to appeal to otaku, they of course are all in love with the main character and do the same blushing stammering bits where they don't want to reveal their true feelings to you, yada yada. I really like the character designs though. they're all pretty iconic and fit their respective character personalities while consistently being cute-sexy, which seems to be what they're going for.

Overall, this actually one of the better gacha games I've played. Gameplay is braindead as usual, but the characters are cute and the story's perfect if you find yourself really needing just like a huge dollop of kawaii anime bullcrap.