I feel like its a game that aint aged well. I mean if you like tetris and what not youd def like this game. But i mean you can tell they took alot from this game while making mean bean machine and you can tell how much more they had when it came to mean bean. But yeah the music was something, The gameplay while it did change each stage i mean hell the last stage the speed was on crack x100. Would I play again prolly not. Though Id love to see a fan for this game out in the wild because i feel like there is still worse sonic games out there then this.

cant lie this game was fun as shit.

Konami has let this game go to shit like the company they are right now.

Okay so for a mobile Gacha game I think its not terrible as people make it out to be but i do like the content drops when it comes out.

Really fun game im not even a huge fan of fighting games and i like it. Plus invasion mode is great.

Okay I just finished this game minus the last stage bceause its locked behind getting all the chaos emeralds. I just wanna say the first 8 bit game was way better then the 2nd one. Gameplay felt you were on ice for the whole game. Then you have the bosses they were easy way 2 easy to be exact. The music was decent. IMO youd be better off never playing the 8bit games

I mean yes its a tech demo but its a fun game and plus i like the Nod at sony over the years

See this is the game that I feels tells you who is sonic and tails

The bosses are fun
The Music is great
The special stages are a pain in the ass but still fun.

This is what really defines Sonic media if you ask me and still holds up well to this day.

Okay so i bashed this game when i first played it but going through a second time i can actually say i appeciate the game. I think its a very creative puzzle game and thats something puzzle games lack now a days is orginal ideas they always tend to copy what is popular. also side note the music in this game is really good.

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Okay so i hate how much hate this game got. I feel like the fans went and thought "omg WB games new batman game" and they just shit on this game when it came out. When Justice leauge kills the suicide squad is the sequal to the arkham Knight.

Now Gotham Knights tells a really good story lacks in the rouge department but i do love all their reactions when they learn batman has died specially clayface.

The fighting is fun getting the collectiables are great. I love the easter eggs in the game that point to other dc comics properties.

been loving genshin

The characters are great
The story is great
my only issue is fetch quest and the fighting.

now the fetch quest are annoying because they can range from 5 mins to 24hrs and then the fighting is just bland.

chapter 4 has been fun so far

loved the collabs we got i just hope when we get to chapter 5 we see fortnite do some crazy stuff haha

its fun but can be repetitive i will say i only come back when they add a new killer

Honestly just a game you can turn your brain off too which is always a good game to have.

It does get stressful when it comes to running out of oxygen