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If I had my name attached to this game I would honestly be so embarrassed. It is an awful experience start to finish. And this isn't like with the first game, where I just felt like it wasent for me, yet I could acknowledge all the positive aspects it has. No this is something much worse.

It should be noted that the release schedule for this game did not do it any favors. For whatever reason there were just massive gaps in release dates, some lasting up to 5 months. This is not an issue anymore since all the episodes are out, but at that time, it created a very disjointed experience.

It's difficult to even decide where to start because basically everything here is wrong. I think to start, the gameplay this time is not nearly as interesting as before. In the first game you had the rewind powers. So you could guage everyone's reactions and which choices you like the most. But there really isn't anything like that here. You just walk places and things happen and you make a decision. To the games credit, the choices do matter a good portion of the time, and the ending can be very different depending on what you did. Thats probably the only positive the game has.

This dosent feel like a full narrative. But rather 5 disconnected segments that they very loosely stitched together to call a game. They are always in very sporadic locations, with no real rhyme or reason as to how they got there. One episode they are in the woods, the next in a desert. This is a general theme that we see throughout this experience of just skipping through parts of the story to get to more interesting stuff.

The writing is somehow even worse than last time. This is probably my least favorite dialogue and script in any game. The references to pop culture and such were a bit off in the first game, but at the very least they didn't over stay their welcome. This game leans so heavily on its political and social refrences that it gets exhausting. This is the most one note experience I've ever seen in a game. Every single character is racist, rude, arrogant, sexist, obsessed with a cult, whatever negative trait or stereotype that exists, this game has it. And they only exist and appear in random moments to give the characters a hard time. They created such low blow characters: no investment or buildup was made at all, they are just evil for evil's sake. At the very least with the first game, you had an antagonist like Nathan, but there was also a lot going on with the character already? He was unstable and dealing with family issues.

The idiots in this game don't have any complexity. They are just awful people who serve as a roadblock.

This would still be fine if you actually liked the main characters. Or ANYONE really. Sean can be seen as similar to Max. He is very soft spoken and quiet. And you could also argue why he does what he does in the first episode is because he's scared. But he's still such a massive idiot, he never operates on any logic whatsoever. It dosent help that the awful voice acting compounds the awful dialogue. I am unsure who to blame here because every single performance is terrible. So I'm going to assume the direction is the issue. The way Sean talks in particular drives me insane. These long, exaggerated, pointless pauses before exposition. "Man...." "wow...." "no way...."

Daniel is somehow even worse than Sean. This is honestly one of my most hated game characters of all time, because every single episode is exactly the same. I will break it down

-Daniel and Sean are shown to have a brotherly bond and connection.

-A very stupid and contrived moment happens that seperates or causes a rift between the brothers.

-Daniel turns his brain off and just goes crazy and hurts people.

-Daniel has crocodile tears and apologizes for making a mistake.

-Repeat until the last episode. I just described the whole game. No matter what happens, Daniel always goes against Sean. He never learns, or grows, even if you make "correct" decisions. He is just a walking plot device to create conflict. The whole game you are arguing and being yelled at by this obnoxious brat. There is writing realistic children, who are rebellious, and then there's writing Daniel who just blindly believes anything he hears and immediately leaves Sean. It is so forced, so unnatural. The writers just wanted to take shortcuts to create a narrative. They didn't want to buildup to anything.

All the side characters are terrible. They are all flat and lifeless. There are so many that you forget who's who.

I could go on but just writing about this game is exhausting. I'm not a fan of the first game, but this makes the first game look like a modern masterpiece.

One of my most hated titles ever. And no, it has nothing to do with the political or social commentary in the game. I happen to agree with a lot of it. It is a terrible game not because of what it's saying, but because of how it says it. It has no tact, no charm, no soul. It is corporate, pandering, forced, and inauthentic.