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One of the surprise releases of 2023, this was the first time I played the first Metroid Prime, and I'm happy to say that it's one of my favorite gaming experiences I had this year!

The sense of being alone on this planet figuring out what exactly is going on was fun from beginning to end. It's also one of the prettiest games out there on the Switch, and runs super smooth! The music and ambience fits perfectly for the colorful areas that you traverse on this lonely planet.

The isolated feeling you get from this game might make it, for me, one of the most immersive games I have ever played. So many little details can be seen if you take the time to look, and makes everything feel so real. And it doesn't feel like you're going through menus, since its all integrated on Samus' visor in some way.

It is very difficult as well. If you are not prepared for what is coming, you will get your ass kicked in one way or another. But it's very rewarding to figure out patterns and how to kill the bosses here. If i had any kind of complaint it would be the backtracking, it could be a little cumbersome if you didn't pay enough attention to certain clues that the game lays out for you, but that is only a small gripe to have.

This a game that I'll remember and I will come back to this from time to time.