marina fear and hunger i love you so much

Emulating this game as a kid is what made me love RPGs so much i think

I will dickride this as the best modern Mk until I die.

recuerdo que me dijeron travesti por usar a Gogeta, y años después me doy cuenta que tenían razón.

I don't play this game anymore, and i have no drive to get back into it, but i will remember it fondly for all the things it did right.

deserved so much better. honestly the co-op thing was just too hard to pull off they should have made a PVP mode be the main focus and have the campaigns be paid.

Every now and then i think "I wanna play mk11" and then i play it and it's mk11 so i stop playing it.

I would give this 4 stars but my hatred towards iridescent shard grind bumps it down a lot.

The EPG is my favorite weapon in any shooter ever. dumb ass hell weapon that enables some looney toons type gameplay. I love it.

When i was a kid i thought the last boss fight was the coolest thing ever.

i just don't think team battles as the main game mode was a good idea. assigning platform fighter characters RPG classes just made a lot of them feel awkward to play like you where missing some of your moveset 60% of the time.

i still want this game back though i miss hitting people with the skateboard move Jake had.

I would give it a 0.5 but it gets an extra 0.5 for having the choices actually matter in the grand picture and an extra star for Connor and Anderson. guys of all time.

I thought this was the peak of platforming games when i was 12 and i still do.

mid as hell but it means a lot to me.