I LVOE RPG MAKER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

the gay pairings mod I played this with gave me more joy than anything in the actual game. I don't think I would have gotten as far as i did without it. still not enough to get me to finish revelations though.

This game truly encapsulates "this would be so good if it was not bad." So many good ideas and concepts wasted and used in the most mediocre ways.

The fact that its a gacha game puts so many limits on it's potential, you have so many potentially interesting characters that can't have TOO much depth because they might have to say something mean or do something wrong, and if they do that the target audience of the game won't want to draw that character with huge tits wearing an apron, and if they don't do that then what's the point right?

It's insane how much fanart and fanfiction does a better job with it's characters than the actual devs, sometimes i will get so used to a fan interpretation of a character then i will look at them in game and think "oh right, you look like that."

The mediocre character designs that only use like 6 different body models like the game can't afford one unique character with the millions they make monthly, the character designs do the same things over and over but they slap a bunch of trinkets over the character like a Christmas tree so it looks different.

Genshin Impact is a game that gets carried by you imagining it's a better game than it actually is.

a game that had a release like this should not be so 7/10 but oh well.

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The tragedy of the hollow knight/pure vessel will stick with me until i die


the whole mysterious untold tragic event thing kinda looses it's charm when they make it so obvious.

You may be mid as fuck but i will always love you.