The EPG is my favorite weapon in any shooter ever. dumb ass hell weapon that enables some looney toons type gameplay. I love it.

best game ever made fighting games have been saved.

Damn it really is that fucking good huh.

This game definitely shows it's age. Even when playing in the legendary edition.

The combat was clunky and kind of boring, i played adept and a lot of the biotic abilities kinda did the same thing and none of them where particularly fun to use.
But despite how flawed the combat is, it was good enough. I didn't find it annoying most of the time. It was just there.

The story was actually pretty enjoyable. The world building was good and i enjoyed learning about it. The squad mates where all pretty alright, except by Ashley and Kaidan who i found rather boring. My favorite ended up being Wrex because funny shotgun man. (And also the Krogan's story was pretty interesting)

The choice/morality system is exactly what i expected it to be, so i ended up full paragon because of the copaganda writing. As one does. I like to play games that give you choices by picking what i would do in that situation, and this is from an era of games where devs thought being cartoonishly evil was fun. Which i assume it is for some people but not me.

The game is very dialogue heavy, which I didn't mind since it's not like i was craving for more combat and i actually enjoyed the story a fair bit.
I hoped I could get more of it in the sidequests but as many people have said before me, i could not bring myself to do all of those assignments. I was not gonna play through all of those loading screens and generic battles so I could find the good quests, so I thought "I'm just gonna stop doing sidequests until i feel underleveled for the main quest." And then my pistol was two-tapping enemies on the last mission so i didn't do any more sidequests.

More on the ending, the last choice actually had me thinking a lot more than i expected though, which was a nice surprise.

Also when it comes to the romance, i didn't end up kissing anyone because i looked up "can you be gay in mass effect" and found out there is a cute lesbian in the third game so im gonna wait for her.

Overall, this game is very very dated, but i can perfectly understand why people liked it so much back then. I think i will be giving it a replay at some point.

also the game is kinda wack politically. i think that has to be said.


mid as hell but it means a lot to me.

I thought this was the peak of platforming games when i was 12 and i still do.

recuerdo que me dijeron travesti por usar a Gogeta, y años después me doy cuenta que tenían razón.