Not hard to see why so many adore this game. The only major blemishes are Chapter 3 and the Palace of Shadows, both are pretty poor. Doesn't ruin the game though.

Perfect sequel. Everything that made the first game good, plus improving what was kinda weak, like having way better bosses.

I'm so conflicted about this update. On one hand, the final boss truly is one of the most hype things I've experienced in a Sonic game in a long time. On the other, everything before it is either a total slog or way too hard to be enjoyable. The base game was easy, but this overcorrects too much.

The updates they put out later certainly helped, but I can't see myself going back to Final Horizon. I am still very much looking forward to how they can improve the Frontiers style in the future, though.

It's like Rocket Knight Adventures, but with maybe 10% of the quality. And that 10% is basically just the music.

More fun than a barrel of monkeys

Same deal as Magical Quest. Very easy, but still a pretty good time. The different costumes aren't as fun this time around though.

Very enjoyable, if a little basic. It's a breeze to play through but that doesn't stop it from being a fun time. Final boss maybe goes on a bit long though.

This one's very reminiscent of Link to the Past, and while it's not that good, it is a very solid game. There are a couple annoying dungeons, but nothing that's gonna ruin the experience.

Last of the series and definitely the best, but still kinda rough. Regular stages are pretty good, but the Wild Guns-esque gallery shooter levels go on entirely too long. It's worth a play, though.

No longer a beat 'em up, this one's a run and gun and a pretty decent one. The controls are a bit stiff and the bosses are a low point once again, but it's mostly a good time.

Better than the last one, but still a middling beat 'em up. There are some really annoying stages and the bosses really suck, but it's not a miserable experience. Medieval Kamen Rider Black RX is a fun sight though.

Pretty below average beat 'em up. It's pretty dull and honestly kind of annoying. Even as a fan of the featured series, I can't recommend this one.

A perfectly fine little action game, carried mostly by appealing to fans of Gundam, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider. I like all 3 so I got a kick out of it, but it's not a must play or anything.

Looks worse, sounds worse, and plays worse than the originals. Wily Tower's kinda neat but not worth more than one playthrough. The whole time I was wishing I was playing the NES games instead.

I really wish I liked this more. Unlike the first two it's a major slog, requiring a lot of grinding, especially in the final chapter. None of the stories are too interesting either, but at least it's still funny. Can't recommend.