I spent years trying to beat this game on original hardware. Mastered the first 3 levels, bosses were piss easy. level 4 has the hardest boss fight and the last level is bullshit. Had to use save states to beat the last boss who is a hilariously well animated rhino man and managed to find a way to cheese him. It's weird this game is considered one of the classics of the mega drive when it's really mid as hell and doesn't represent the console well.

Love the game's music and chill sunny vibes but I hate that playing as Cotton has to be hard mode.

Game rules and hits so many notes of what I like in video games. On equal grounds with the first one.

This game rules, one of the most over the top beat em ups I've played. Punching people while they're down, bashing them against store windows from across the screen and being able to throw them off cliffs and hear them screen. Ridiculous energy, my only grip is that you fight dogs and their whimper makes me really sad.

I adore this game for how simple and fun it is combined with its mischievous and cute aesthetic. Sadly the game has some racist enemies in it later : (

Dark Souls is not the hardest From Software game

I can't believe Shigeru Miyamoto ripped off of this game to make "so long gay bowser".

Really good cute em up. Cute characters, great music, fun gameplay. Easily the best Cotton-like

The game has a really good sense of adventure and I love the world but as a game it is a bit too esoteric for my liking. I beat this game using a guide and the speed up function on an emulator and it was still pretty rough on some points because of the obnoxious encounter rate. This is also one of the more modern iterations of the game with a lot of quality of life improvements so I imagine a lot of the later game stuff was hell in the original NES version. Music is really good though and I adore this iteration of the game.


Game is rough. Special attacks are weird and not very powerful and your a bit to large and slow so dodging isn't as good as it could be. Biggest problem though was the boss fights go on for way too long.

Amazing visual style for a game made in 1991 and a bizarre ending.

This game rocks! The girl is just recycled animations of Guy from Final Fight and I don't care.

If you pick up baby pigs, they instantly turn into footballs!