This game is so good oh my fucking god, has some of the best game OSTs I've heard in my life. As well as just amazing characters and stories for each. I absolutely will reccomend this game to anyone who likes RPGs, because this is so good shit right here

im crying so hard right now I cant seem to type out all my feelings on this game i just beat it and i cant stop crying please play this game. not often has something like this affected me so hard this is already in my top 5 how the fuck. This is Xenoblade tier of fucking me up AAAAAAAAAAA

Edit 2/15/24: This review still applies, only now it is my favorite game of all time and made me a better person. I relate to Neku on such a personal level and I feel for him a lot, more than i have any other fictional character ever. He is me irl. Peak fiction this game changed my entire perspective on life

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You know, when I first started this game, I didn't think much of it, this was my first Megaten game, and I wasn't sure what to expect. But then I picked it up again and decided to continue where I left off (about the beginning of the first day iirc).
And oh boy did that change me.
The story was perfect, the lockdown and having to fight all these demons, and then as the days go on it just gets worse, with having to fight humans, it's just amazing. We get to see how every character handles the lockdown, one character in particular I enjoyed was Keisuke, he began as this character that I liked but didn't really care for in the grand scheme of things. But then the 4th day came around, which amped up my liking for him twicefold, from when he snapped after finding out Midori was going to be kill by humans, to when he got Yama, that day was a trip, and I mean it in the best way possible. The 5th day too, boy was that also intense. I didn't get him killed in my run, because I was told ahead of time about it, but oh boy did it make me feel grateful i kept him alive. He's probably my favorite character in the game and I love him dearly.
Besides that, my first route was Amane's, while it was good, it was not anything to write home about for me. Which sort of tainted my feelings on the game.
But then I picked up the game again a bit later, and started the other routes (I literally went out of my way to replay the game to unlock the portraits on the save screen.) The one that sticks out to me the most is Naoya's, not only is it more interesting than Amane's but it also has some of the best character interactions ive seen in the game. It's my favorite route out of the 5, and it's the reason I'm writing this review right now. I could go on about how it's the best route of the game but this would be too long.
Now onto the 8th days
The 8th days for each route is the reason this game isnt up higher on my list of favorite games ever
The best one is Yuzu's and the worst one is ironically enough Naoya's, with Amane's being very mixed for me
I consider them noncanon bc they're just additional content for the game and yeah.
Not to mention the amped up difficulty of those days, it was insane and it got a bit frustrating at times. And fighting Metatron was a fucking pain too. I didnt even BEAT Okuninushi because it was like bullshit to me, call me a coward but it was tough as shit.
I think that wraps up my thoughts on this game, overall i'd give it an 8/10, very good game despite it's intense difficulty!

I first started this game thinking I would find it inferior to the first game, which was my mindset going in and I didn't have any fun. But after I got past that, I had a wonderful time with it, it exceeds in its gameplay and honestly the septentrione arc is really good. I really enjoyed it on a second playthrough especially when on that second run I did Anguished One's route, really fucking good.
For as much as I don't like the Triangulum arc, I will admit it got me to cry a couple times, my god this game hits way different than the first game and I love it for that.
Good shit

This lives up to the hype, such an amazing experience. I went in (almost) completely blind for this, and it was so worth it. I love all of SEES, with my favs being Akihiko, Shinji, and Junpei. I love the music, and the final boss was actually fun. The ending hurt and especially 10/4 also hurt too.
With that being said I wasn't really a fan of Tartarus, it wasn't really engaging, but that's about the only gripe I have. Not sure if I'll play The Answer, but we'll see

Doing the femc route after playing FES was just.....a whole experience and a half. The new social links were amazing and better than in the male route. And I feel as though my heart is even more pained now as I've played this another time around. This is a beautiful game, and I love it so much! It added more development to my fav characters, and it just made me so happy! I'm honestly left speechless

It was pretty good, been told I'll have to replay it to fully appreciate everything. But I really liked this game, wasn't a big fan of how slow paced it was but when it got real it got real. Definitely not as good as the first game, but it doesn't have to be, it's great in it's own way!

Edit 2/15/24: I have a better appreciation for this game, it's very good and I think it deserves a higher rating for me now. I love the subtley a lot and I learned the slow pace isn't that bad. Week 3 is still the best week for reasons I will not disclose, but if you know, you know. I love this series, peak fiction

I forgot I played this game way back when, but oh my god I love it to this day it is woaaaaaah

it's so over for me, this is amazing stuff still

Genuinely one of my favorite games of all time with an OST I listen to often and an amazing story and characters! I've done pretty much everything in this game back when I was hyperfixated on it and oh man it was worth it. This is a beautiful game that's as amazing as everyone says!

It was a fun time, it has its issues but I enjoyed it for what it was. The Third Semester was the best part of the game fr