One of the first games that made me go, wow games can have really good stories

I don't remember much, but I know it was a really fun shooter with some memorable characters

The first act pulled me in completely in the world, the companions, interactions with them, fighting system and the immersion in the world was amazing. It was a perfect introduction in a crpg genre.
Later on the enthusiasm was going up and down, with it being the lowest at the very end, which is such a shame. Nonetheless this game had some amazing moments and was a really fun and memorable journey.

such a love-hate relationship

was actually kinda fun, but not my vibes

come on, who hasn't played it

I didn't like the vibe much

Back when the game came out, it was all really fresh and impressive, nowadays not so much, especially after all the sequels, but there is still a very nice charm to it.

It blew mind of 15 year old me back then and I set Elizabeth as background photo on fb (❁´◡`❁) Besides it, the setting was amazing, it started my interest for dystopian worlds

It can be amazing game with friends, I can't imagine playing it alone

I was young and just wanted to shoot around :/