Formative experience of my life. The 8 hours are only what I played in the last 3 years.

Parkour is the only thing that made this really stand out.

For the love of god this opening sucks

Kinda up its own ass. Good Puzzles though.

Fantastic horror game. Unfortunately, I can't do horror.

Dev made this so people would make more demon girl porn... and I back him on this cause.

Nothing wrong with it, I'm just not a fan

This game wanted so hard to be Myst that I think it forgot to be fun.

This game is fantastic. It's a fantastic exploration of self, what it means to be free, and how different people pursue happiness.

What's more, the gameplay is a fantastic. Having a number of dice that you slowly lose every day unless you take your medicine is a fantastic application of narrative into gameplay.

Puzzles were fun, story was good, fantastic ending... but tedious. Very tedious.

This game took everything about Chapter One that was good and made it better. It was truly a delight to play. The only complaint I had about the gameplay was the map not having a mark on it for where I am. I wish the disguise mechanic made a comeback, but I understand there was no reason for it. I cannot wait until the next one.