It seriously pains me to say this, but I really didn't enjoy this game nearly as much as I thought I would. The presentation is gorgeous but it's just so boring to play. I replayed the original earlier this year just to prepare for my playthrough of remake and I loved replaying the original. In the remake though, I found myself falling asleep numerous times. It's so blatantly obvious where they put padding.

If I'm being completely honest, I found Bayonetta 3 to be pretty disappointing. The game was a lot more open when it came to exploration and the chapters felt a little too long as a result. Many enemies felt very similar and there were plenty of "mini-game" segments that I didn't really care for. Even story-wise I was left confused. Honestly, if I had to take a quiz on Bayonetta 3 after finishing it I don't think I'd pass lol. I didn't care for Viola much and I'm sad Rodin was barely present. I did like the game enough to finish it but I don't see myself replaying it anytime soon.

I revisited this game for a second playthrough recently and it's just as good as I remember! While the combat does feel a bit easier compared to the first game, I love how fluid it feels. I also don't usually play Bayonetta games for their stories but I actually found the story here to be rather enjoyable. There weren't any chapters that felt like a slog to get through and it didn't overstay its welcome. The soundtrack still slaps and personally, I think Bayonettas look in this game is the best. At the time of writing this, I'd say Bayonetta 2 is my favorite game in the series.

I played through the first Bayonetta game 3 times and it was a pretty solid game. It's got one of my favorite soundtracks, and I actually went out of my way to get pure platinum on certain chapters because the boss fights were just that fun to me. However, I tried to replay it again back when Bayonetta 3 was announced and admittedly, I didn't really like it as much as I used to. The brownish filter bothered me a bit more and I didn't like the QTEs. Perhaps this was the result of coming back to the game after experiencing Bayonetta 2.

Nonetheless, I still remember the game fondly. It was a great introduction to the series and it provided me with a lot of fun!

This game has a really unique way of telling it's story and it has a very nice soundtrack. I've always preferred story driven games and based on what I've heard...this seemed like it would be right up my alley. However, I think playing this helped me realize that I don't quite enjoy games that are TOO story heavy.

During my playthrough my plan was to focus on the story until I couldn't progress further and then focus on the battles. For some reason though I just could not focus on the story mode for more than an hour at a time. Even when I was enjoying the story I would only do a few chapters and then feel like I had my fill for the day. (This is probably why it took me 3 months to finish lol.) I felt this way with the battles as well. I enjoyed the combat but after doing 2 or 3 waves back to back I just felt like I stopping and doing something else.

Overall, I liked the game enough to finish it but it wasn't really something that I was thoroughly hooked on.

I tried...I just genuinely don't know if I will finish this game. I made it to chapter 5 and the story was starting to get interesting. But wow the length of that first dungeon was way too long. I love the setting, the music, and the combat, but the dungeons zap the fun from this game. Sometimes I think about returning to the game and giving it another shot but the thought of doing more dungeons instantly turns me off.

Magilou is one of my favorite characters ever

I have never had such a big love-hate relationship with a game before.