It's a really cool game, but honestly it didn't capture me as much as Hades, for example.

This game was a lot of fun, but people were giving it too high ratings, it was a 'common' game

I'm holding back on not giving this game a very high rating, because I only have VERY GOOD memories of it, the story, skills, combat, so really, I'm going to hold back, but I REALLY want to replay it

This game is incredibly good, even now, it's a game that has a nice difficulty, more difficult than many games for 'children', but still not so much that it hinders the experience, very good

This game was really fun and creative, it had cool characters and story, I miss it

Just by having the Kart minigame and an ending with each character, in addition to being able to create a wonderful game

This game managed to capture all the atmosphere of the film, I platinumized it in one go

This game started to be more creative and at the same time bring realism and dynamism to Spider man 2

It was kind of bad, but it started something that was coming

This game was extremely fun when I played it.

This game is beautiful, it's kind of cool, but it doesn't seem to hold you in, it doesn't make you want to play it

I don't like Budokai's combat style, so that put me off, but otherwise it's cool

The beginning of something that would get better

I incredibly think this game is better than the second one, it seems to be more fun to do everything in it, obviously I'm already bored these days, but it's very good

I don't like this type of game but it's really fun