This game is incredibly fun, I played it just because I like the series and I thought 'it's going to be boring but let's go' but no, it's a simple game that can surprise you

I don't really remember this game but I know it's very good

This game is beautiful, especially for when it was released, it's an extremely beautiful game, incredible setting, really cool difficulty, so why did I give it this rating? Simple, this game has some HORRIBLE mechanics, I've already finished it all at A+, and now I want to get an S in everything, but there are every mechanic in this game that doesn't make sense that I could make a list of, it seems like there's no budget left for programming.

Firstly, when you create a game, which has difficulties and challenges, you have to allow the player to have options to play, something that wasn't always available in the game, several times the boss made a pattern that was IMPOSSIBLE to pass, and it wasn't a isolated detail, this happened straight away, situations where if you go forward, you die, if you go down, you die, if you go left, you die, and if you go right... you know. This is bizarre, if it only depended on how well you can learn and play, this game would be much better.

Second, the horrible parry, here are 3 points that I hated, first, the parry time, this takes away the concept of parry, normally in games you have to press the button at the same time, or a little before the damage, in this game no, you have to press it A LOT BEFORE, I don't even know if you can call it a Parry, if you came from other games, don't think of a Parry as one, think of it as if it were a shield, you see the damage coming, and uses. Another thing, IT'S TOTALLY SINISTER, when you parry, and take damage from something else along with it, like, it doesn't make sense, you're being punished for hitting a parry, and this goes hand in hand with my third point, which is when the parry takes you to damage, you parry, your character rises, and you take damage, literally horrible, hitting the parry punishes you, in addition to two other things, 1- The parry cannot be done instantly, if there is something in on top of you, there's no way you can insta-parry it, if you jump you'll take the damage, and 2- there's no way you can insta-parry another parry, did you manage to get out of one damage and there's another one coming? fuck yourself, take damage.

Now another point, HOW THE SUPERART BREAKS YOU IN THE GAME, there are times when you are in a good mood, and decide to use the superart to deal damage, and hey, you are blind, because it blocks your character's vision, you will take damage, because it gets in the way of you dodging, in any normal game, you become invincible using some type of special, not in this case, can you imagine, for example in God of War 1, when you used Poseidon's Rage you could still take damage? It would ruin the magic, wouldn't it? the same thing happens here.

This game is incredibly good, the worst part of it is the combats, which in addition to being large in number, are repetitive, but the story is still incredible, you see how Kratos feels about killing his own mother, this game is what but it shows the human side of Kratos, you see him accepting and accepting death for his own brother just so he doesn't have to kill him, and Zeus's (digger) phrase: 'You became death, a destroyer of the world' is classic, and Furthermore, it justifies a little the hatred of Kratos from GOW 2, who starts very angry out of nowhere

What a bad game, the only good part is that it's from the GOW universe, and you can see Kratos' daughter, otherwise this whole game is bad in every aspect

Very good DLC, I don't know how the rating isn't higher, even though I already know what's going to happen, I still managed to stick to the game, follow Ellie's every thought, I thought the part about switching between Ellie saving Joe and the past It's cool, but it could have been better executed, I think that by doing something short, it was more dynamic than the original game

4 stars because the graphics are incredibly beautiful for the time, but gameplay is a bit strange/weak, the enemies are very scripted, for example, there are times when you go to kill an enemy, which is the last one in your field of vision and appears 5 more behind from him because you entered the spawn area, or when there is an enemy that only looks forward, even if you stand still for 10 hours looking at him, but if you try to pass by the side he turns 'out of nowhere', the enemies seem to have a sixth It makes sense to go after you, there are times when there are 5 houses in the same place, with 2 floors, but they go exactly where you are. Among other script problems, like, there are parts where you could just open a door and continue on your way, but the option simply doesn't appear until you kill the enemies.

Mechanically it's a pretty bad game, which isn't a problem for casual players, but like, a game where you have secondary weapons (Molotov, spike grenade, smoke bomb) and you need to pick them up, open your inventory, and equip them, It's bizarre, among many other problems that I could mention.

About the story, the story is very beautiful, the narrative is good, but it has deep characters, but it is also a very simple story, simple enough for you to be able to tell the story of the game with all the characters that appeared in 10 minutes.

I didn't think I could cry while playing a game, but this game made me fucking cry

Very good game, and extremely creative for the time it was released, it has its problems but I still think it's a very fun game

Maybe I'm slightly criticized, but this game is VERY good, and it's really cool to see the characters' perspective, but I still think they're very sensitive, like, being realistic, killing and stealing would be options that wouldn't leave someone completely depressed

The game's story is a little boring, and other than that, the game mechanics aren't that good.

A little boring, but still very good

What a boring game, one of the most boring I've ever seen, the hardest part of the game is getting through the beginning without sleeping

This game did something that few games have done, which is to make me like both the story and the mechanics of the game, I love this game and how its combat works, its story is very good, despite sometimes falling into repetition.

I hate this game with all my strength, my friends invited me to play and what a terrible game, from the outside it may be cool, but when you play it it's completely boring