One of those games I really do want to love more but there's too many problems with it I just can't. Not enough enemy variety or boss variety, the inability to control one individual in the group or make one certain member the lead so that a certain class is in the front, how buggy it is (how Terribly buggy it is), and also a rather lackluster story. I feel a bit meaner with it considering there hasn't been any recent major news for expansions and such, and how many bugs have been on there for a long time and haven't been resolved.

If they make a sequel, I'd be excited for them to expand on this game and fix their mistakes. And I'm really really really hopeful for a sequel because I love the Alien series and I fuck with this game design.

I just wanted Skyrim with guns and I got it. Think the way dialogue works is lame and it's a joke of an RPG, I refuse to base build and I've ignored the main plot and have gone off until I get to like level 25 or 30.

Yeah, it's alright, I guess.

Pig Josh, you are the bane of my fucking existence, and you are so shit you've convinced me that your mere presence in this game is why every level after yours are mostly complete dogshit or annoying.

Maybe I should start watching the trailers again for a game I'm anticipating, even if it's from a company or indie dev I mostly enjoy.

It's just "baby's first survival horror game" and isn't all that interesting to me. The style of gameplay is unique, and that's about the biggest compliment I can give, everything else the game does ranges from serviceable to ok. Not a bad game, just don't really think it's this groundbreaking thing that everyone claims it to be.

It's a Sekiro type of game, not a Bloodborne one, quit fucking calling it that.

Go fuck yourself Boobeam Trap, you have a silly name and your boss fight SUCKS

When playing a game and reading people discuss it online, always remember to never let people try and gaslight you into thinking a certain game is actually good because it was a misunderstood masterpiece with simply flawed mechanics or because some youtuber made a negative video about it.

Always remember, that those people are very very wrong thumbs up