A cool idea with awful character design, weapon meta, and little to know item balancing.

terrible battle-pass, map update and loot pool changes.


Rest in peace, Cum-Gun.

Dropped from 2.5 to 2/5 stars because that event was terrible...

With Fortnite making its way over to UE5, this chapters takes an entirely new aesthetic in graphics along with a brand new map. Right off the bat this installation gave us a great new Battlepass, along with plenty of new and refreshing features.

Motorcycles - Extremely fun and versatile form of rotation. Having your friends piggy-back whilst you ride without steering as you are reading to pump someone in the face is euphoric.

Lootpool - Here I thought EPIC was running out of ideas, I suppose not. The Ex-Calibre rifle is fantastic for those with accurate aim, its a mix of a boom-sniper and an AR. There are so many fresh takes on old weaponry with unique abilities. Speaking of, this season has specific perks that are unlockable during each match, similar to League of Legends. Each perk is balanced and well thought out to make gameplay, especially co-op, exciting again.

Map/POI - With the destruction of the last island, everyone has bound together to form a new one. Chapter 4's map feels slightly larger and is riddled with large biomes to roam. However there is plenty of room here to add more POI in the near future. Flag points, Ice-lakes, slipstreams, shockwave jellies, all are fantastic additions to the map. My two only complaints would be some of the cliff-faces are pretty nasty if you aren't paying attention and the fact there is no weather system anymore. This would have elevated gameplay to a 10/10.

Shorter play than I thought, but I had a lot of fun. This was my first time playing and the gameplay is fantastic for its age - 3.5/5

Great game, designs and OST - 9/10. Would have been perfect if it didn't have some technical issues like bugs and other rendering problems.