fun star wars game that i played for a bit, not the worst doom clone

i have not completed this game yet i have played enough to say this is one of my favorite games

Very fun game but I lost interest once the frog left my party

Fun game play but holy shit there are way too many cut scenes took like 30 minutes to actually play the game

the humor gets very annoying and repetitive after a couple hours

very fun, hate the company that made it

i really like the art and atmosphere of the game, its the main reason i keep coming back even though i cant get past the first few enemy



games pretty good but also gets a bit repetitive and a bit too long

Fun final boss, I did beat it but my game data didn’t save so I’m still on the last checkpoint but I still beat him. One day I’ll beat him again but for now that is enough.

games pretty good but also gets a bit repetitive and a bit too long