Ok game, it feels kinda slippery and it is hard to hit the opponent.

Really fun game, the addition of parkour was odd but enjoyable. The story was a neat addition but unneeded and forgettable at times.

I’m not a big fan of platformers and this game does jack shit for me, gameplay got boring after dessert level and I just couldn’t keep going

Shit Pokémon game, what the fuck Nintendo

One of the best fps’ I have ever played with a fun and enjoyable story. Good mechanics and features that keep me playing.

Fun and enjoyable game, Really great story and characters. good replayability .

do i hate this game with every fiber of my being yes do i always end up playing it yes.

My favorite pokemon game, very fun

The better smash game, the powerpuff level alone puts this game above all else

my friend kept cheating so he is a big bitch

I may pick this up later but i just find the combat a bit boring and repetitive

After completing this game I take it back, I really fucking enjoyed this. That saying because of my recent experiences with ragnarok this rating will stay the same


I enjoyed the game but after playing eternal the game feels like shit
only good thing is there is a smaller presence of the story


very fun combat and good voice acting