24 reviews liked by Whip9063

Run 3


Run 3? More like Runs at 3 fps.

Definitely a step-up in terms how tolerable the combat was compared to the original playthrough of the game, but not much better because it only added a way to spam magic spells onto the enemies and exploit weaknesses.

No whispers! That's a plus.

God forbid this game having proper balancing between normal bosses and 7 basic enemies.

What is essentially an add-on to an already completed script, but an incredibly heartfelt and inspired one at that. I've never been one to complain about the lack of juggling or the lack of canceling moves, I play these games for their narrative and how they tie into the gameplay seamlessly. There's much more to appreciate of what these games do than simply their combo game.

With that said, what stands out the most is Gaiden's narrative. There's a sense of entrapment and longing for emancipation the entire time, and when it's eventually reached, it feels bittersweet. Being knowing of Kiryu's condition in Infinite Wealth helps make this game feel even more like a swan song, and it drives home this sense of impending doom that haunts throughout the short span of the game.

You know what's coming, but seeing the way there is a whole other beast.

from here to Yakuza... thank you Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device...

i was wrong about this game its really good actually

A game that feels as boring and stale as the overused genre it borrows from. Obtuse puzzles, ridiculously funny "scary" moments, typical and cliched. A complete waste of time, utter drivel that leaves me with absolutely nothing if not a bleak reminder of how disappointing and infantile this type of "horror" can be.

Great with friends on a random day for 2 weeks before throwing it in back again.