This game has no reason to go this hard. Great quest designs, awesome selection of equipment and accessories, and an awesome map. My favorite part of this game is randomly having large cargo boxes drop on my head due to the hurricane caused by 3 ballerina mannequins. 8.5/10. Would definetly reccomend.

Absolute fucking RPG classic. Great fun from start to finish. Charming characters, surprisingly fleshed out (albeit sometimes poorly paced) narrative, excellent combat, and on top of all that, it only takes about 20 hours to beat. Definitely pick this one up if you have the time to spare. It’ll be a bang for your chronological buck.

This game was way too good for its time. The open world, environments, gameplay, content, etc all blow Skyrim way the fuck out of the water. Absolute masterpiece that deserves to be placed up with the greats. Graphics are a bit dated, although the artstyle definetly props it up, and after all, it’s still the best looking game in this series. Bravo, Microsoft. You’ve released this classic, and have never topped it since.

Great game with a rocky release. After things cleaned up, however, this became the definitive LBP. Will forever have fond memories.

A modern classic. Some of my best memories of the early 2010s was dicking around on this game as a dumb kid.

“It’s good as hell, man. All you gotta do is ignore all of the story and dialogue.”

A genuinely good RPG tie-in for a series I’m otherwise not too fond of. 7.5/10.

Dear, Game…

Quit kicking my ass.

6/10. Decent story, definitely a good concept, but could have been expanded on and polished more, which is my general opinion on the game overall. Combat is nice, but other gameplay aspects can get rather repetitive. Boss fights and music steal the show more than anything else.

Edit: I changed the damn star rating😂 I wrote this shit very late in the night, my brain must’ve turned off.

Everything I loved about the first, cranked up to 11 and then some. Absolute multiplayer masterpiece.

A nice, classic multiplayer experience that never gets old. An amazing adaptation of a beloved mobile title.

Disappointing repetitive garbage. J-Stars will always clear

This game would potentially be fun if it wasn’t dead as fuck. I played it for the first time 2 years ago and quit because I could not find any online lobbies, and playing with bots just wasn’t that engaging. A disappointing waste of resources, and potential.

A horrible version of an amazing game. Controls are janky, found my nunchuck barely functioning most of the time. Eventually, my game glitched and I was stuck at the town menu, unable to select anything, even if I pressed A, effectively soft locking my game since I could only navigate the screen, but not progress through the story or visit any levels. If I ever revisit this game, I will play it on my Xbox.

Unironically great. A delightful experience with a wide range of mechanics and activities. Biggest gripe is with lackluster dungeon crawling, but just about everything else is loads of fun and charm. Surprisingly competent for a Disney game.