It’s a short party game with the goal of collecting flair for your dessert and have the highest points at the end.

I’ve only played locally and never had issues. The games are pretty cute. As you play you unlock new mini games and you vote for the location - sometimes you could be fighting in an area with crabs and other times it’s a pigeon popping all over the board.

There’s different types of games ranging from collecting the most items to timing to duking it out.

It’s pretty cute with the games fitting the bakery / dessert themes. It’s one on the rotation for the family and it’s a lot faster than Mario party and some other party games we have.

I played with kids ages 5-13 and they all had fun. Some of the games were tough on the youngest so I would say maybe 7+ would have fun with this one.

I genuinely sucked at this game. I tried twice and both times I died within 20 minutes if starting. And since you have to restart all the boring parts I haven’t been able to try again.

I seriously made my character too sad and he quit his job on the 1st play. And the second I made someone mad and accidentally selected dialogue to fight and got killed.

Considering how difficult it is to discern how the dialogue will affect you - like initiate a fight or affect your emotions I haven’t wanted to play again. If I could figure out how to save And didn’t have to restart every time I made a mistake I might try it again. It’s a bit of luck as you have dice they affect your character.

The graphics are cool. The dialogue was interesting. I also really liked the narrator and all the insight he gave to the story.

Tagging the game abandoned. Maybe once I clean up my backlog I’ll feel ready to give this game a go. If you haven’t played be wary of what you interact with and who you speak to.


As much as I wanted to completely love the game the faults are too big to overlook.

1. Linear. I found most the collectibles by shear chance. The game is a mix of small open world sections (where you can help out robots you meet, collect items, take naps) or chase sequences. But the open world sections are still fairly small. The most endearing parts are capped by these limitations (IE - the parts you feel the most like a cat - rubbing up against something and other fun cat things you can do).

2. Chase sequences - this is what almost ruined the game for me. They just are not fun. You don’t have much health and it’s inconsistent- you could be swarmed and be able to wriggle your way free or sometimes two hits can take you out. The physics of your movements just don’t do well in timed sequences as you must zigzag and the cat just does not have seem less movements. It’s easy to go from tuning to a halt unintentionally. There are trophies in these sequences that just aren’t worth it. People spent hours replaying the same sections trying to not get hit at all or not using the weapon when you finally get one. The developers are also sadistic to put collectibles in some of these sections - note not all the virus sections are true “chase “ sequencing but if you don’t rush you get swarmed and it’s too difficult to fight your way through.

3. Story- the story was pretty interesting understanding what happened to society and all living creatures and there are some heartfelt moments even with robots. Almost everyone you meet is inconsequential as they have no backstory. The gameplay is maybe 6 hours so there could have been more added to understand the robots history. Why is there one that’s a grandma. How did the one become a musician. I did like the quirky dialogue for them and maintain story is pretty interesting. Your robot companion can be annoying

4. Graphics. These are the best features of the game with the textures and dynamic colors. They did well with the cats expressions and some of its movements. The viruses were a bit bland and felt out of place. The environments are visually appealing too.

Overall it’s a interesting experience. I almost gave up several times so it took me a month to get through the game I kept having to force myself to try again. I even had my kids try to get through some of the sections for me and all 3 of us were stuck. A game this cute shouldn’t have parts that feel impossible due to how poorly designed the viruses are.

If you hate replaying the same 2 minute section over and over you might just want to skip the game or find it for free. If I would have paid for the game the rating would be 2 stars but for free I’m good with 3.5. I am glad I made it to the end as it had a emotional story I am glad I could explore its entirety.