Waited years for this to come out and it was so meh. It’s kind of glitchy. It’s a little relaxijg if you want to goof off. But there’s a text prompt and sometimes it doesn’t really make sense. Trophies were hard to get.

There’s something with having a beat but it made no sense. I did it on accident a few times but when it mattered I couldn’t make sense of how to actually do it. Gave up on it and the game.

It’s a shame it took so long to come out and it was still this shoddy. Love supporting indie developers so maybe there will be updates or something even better from these creators.

I just got stuck in a glitch I can’t fix. I’m supposed to break in the store but the dialogue cuts off and all the buttons / menu stop working. Have to close game.

There’s no option other than restart so I’m shelving it since I’m not sure it’s worth restarting to have this issue again. The fist game was pretty cool too.

This is one of the best memory matching games out there. Several modes and tile options. It’s nice to play 2 player couch. Would be a good game for younger and oldest kids especially to help each other. My 12 year old couldn’t help but play after he saw my gameplay.

Brain exercise games like these are important so it’s a nice little causal game to enjoy from time to time.

Very very simple to platinum. The cards are far too small to see on a tv though it’s really poorly designed. And extremely limited. Memory is 1000x better it had more mode and customization. This is just a poorly designed memory matching game.

Cute little puzzle game where you move cats around by rolling them to a bed. Levels get progressively harder but nothing challenging.

There’s maybe 25 or 30 levels so you can beat the game in 30 minutes or so.

It’s cute and is exactly what it says it is - roll the cat.

You can’t expect too much from a two dollar game. It plays like an app you can get on your phone for sure but with less levels and no stupid ads :)

I was expecting a knockoff of the old Atari game stampede but this was more of a wish.com knockoff.

You can’t move. You only can adjust the size of the lasso and once it gets so big if just goes it doesn’t go back to small.

You try or lasso only the cows - again you can only make the lasso hoop size bigger but you can’t move or adjust where the lasso goes it’s in a static spot. You can’t lasso any wolves or you’re donezo

Basically you just lasso cows and not wolves and that’s it. I got a platinum in 11 minutes. The more cows you lasso the better your multiplier and so it’s simply to get to 30K which is the highest score needed for the trophy.

It may have been worth the 70 cents I bought the game but it was not what I had expected

The game is repetitive. It’s fairly short. And the mechanics are butt however it’s a fun dark twist on a cooking sim. I think the dev needed better funding and maybe the game works better on PC than console where it could have been great.

There’s only a handful of recipes you make and the timing can stink but even if you don’t do well you can’t really “fail” a day you might just delay when events trigger.

My biggest complaint was actions take forever for your character and since it’s a point and click you can only click once wait for the character then click the next step.

Example if you are cooking and you click the flour then the tray too soon she cancels the flour and just picks up the tray. So you have to wait for her to walk to the flour pick it up then click the tray. It adds so much stupid time for tasks. You try to go fast and it is impossible.

While you can miscook a recipe you can’t overcook food nor does it go back. Same for tailor shop. You just lose a customer if you’re too slow.

If the came was adapted to console controls vs point and click it could be a really fun game. It’s easy to platinum if you take a little extra time to do everything like grow the plant.

Overall I wanted something more and better but didn’t hate playing to complete.

I wanted more than a reader / guess the coffee.

You have no control over the dialogue and other than a few hints to coffee orders the dialogue means “nothing” in terms of gameplay.

I was hoping for more of a diner dash - but listen to the customers and help with advice but instead it’s just a game novel and guessing someone’s order based off clues.

I didn’t realize right away the order you made the drink affected what you were making so I had to play twice to get the true ending for the platinum and playing endless took several tries for me to hit the criteria but overall the story was kinda cute and I liked the art and general aesthetic.

I think the developers probably hit the nail on what they intended to make but as a player I just wanted to do more.

A game where you have to use 2 petals to spell a word where the flower center is the middle of the word and use each petal only once.

It’s not too challenging but they increase in difficulty and you can definitely think you have it right but the word isn’t correct because you need the petals to go with other petals.

For the right price you can definitely get the platinum right away you may need a guide if you don’t want to complete every puzzle and just want to find the puzzles you have to solve.

Cute little hangman style game. You can’t lose so you can pretty much spam any letter and win each puzzle. The hardest trophy is only clicking one button to solve a puzzle because it’s almost random which button will have the last letter.

There is a little thought of when to guess in order to complete the trophies as the last letter used counts so you may have to click wrong letters to get to the rest in a puzzle but it’s simple to do since all puzzles have to be completed for platinum - meaning a lot of chances to get all 26 letters. Achievable in under an hour.

It’s a bit redundant and the phrases are puns that rely on some cheesy homophones but for a couple bucks it’s worth it if you like word puzzles

Quick to platinum- only have to complete 50 puzzles as long as you use every letter once and finish the last one.

I like ladder games - usually play them on Sporcle so when I saw the powgi sale on ps store I stocked up on several games, already owning a few and beating them.

The game becomes more difficult as you progress and it makes sense to play in order to build up your skill. The controls are simple once you learn them. The music is pretty awful because it’s so repetitive and if you ever played any powgi game it’s pretty much the same. It’s the one feature you can toggle off in the menu at least.

For the trophies you don’t even have to solve the puzzle to pop the trophies for each letter so you can just make up the words to get the most trophies then reset the puzzle to complete.

The issue I had with this being any better - and I only played a 50/150 puzzles is that they were redundant - I feel like my answers were so similar from puzzle to puzzle that it made me a little sad to see the lack of diversity. You can pretty much use the same words over and over especially if it’s something like the top word l starts with a vowel and the bottom word the second letter is a vowel.

I did like having the option to start from the top or bottom. I think I prefer Sporcle ladder games as there’s a layer of trivia like a crossword hint you are answering.

Overall if you like ladders games this is a fairly well done option with a lot of puzzles. The most difficult ones are 5 words worth 12 words. I absolutely spammed through the alphabet on some to find words so I would say that most people will have a good challenge with some of the puzzles. And a lot of uncommon words provably make puzzling solving easier - if you can figure them out.

It’s definitely a good buy on sale. And you can easily at a platinum to your collection in under 2 hours.

And the puns are still just as wonderful as the other powgi games.

I usually enjoy puzzle games and walking sims and love to support Annapurna produced content. But I don’t think I finished this game - I need space on my hard drive so this got the boot to my external storage (and since you can’t play ps5 games that are on external storage it’ll be stuck for a while).

The game starts off pretty cute. The entire premise is watching a couples narrative unfold while uses a maquette to manipulate the size of various key items to drive the narrative forward.

The game is a bit abstract with the buildings and what they mean. Sometimes it seems like a place the couple lived but sometimes it looks like a rundown castle? The key items are also abstract and the connection between why you are using said item to unlock a memory doesn’t have any explanation or seem relevant- example the one level you use these different crystals but I don’t think there is any connection why you have those items - their usage is completely irrelevant to the story other than unlocking the next dialogue. For me this just made it a bit flat. I’d rather collect plants that had the same purpose and the plants tie into the memory. It felt like a big miss to conceptualize the memories.

I also felt some of the puzzles were glitchy / non responsive and some were so confusing - theres a rule that’s there is no rules. I definitely got to a point I broke my save file as I managed to break a door thinking I was solving the puzzle and when I looked up the guide on what to do I was just quite angry at the solve. I can’t say why without spoilers but I felt there was no explanation/ hint or anything on what you had to do to even get to the conclusion of the answer.

Prior to this I had about 2 hours lost in that one section and had to redo it and with the guide it took me maybe 10 minutes. That’s how complicated some of the puzzles are because you can’t always tell where you go next and you spend 20 min on a dead end only to retrace your steps.

The problem with this is you really lose the narrative if you follow a wrong lead to dead end. I forgot what the story told me by the time I finished the area the unlocking the maquette once it gets locked. And then I just lost interest and found the game to be draining to play.

I liked how Bryce Dallas-Howard and her husband did the voice acting they really did well voicing their affection for each other.

I just think the game could be more refined to help the flow so the puzzles can be complex but not hinder the narrative.

For a base price of 35 bucks this game falls really short. Even half off it doesn’t deliver.

The game takes 3 hours to complete and you can platinum it on one play through if you go through every room. It’s easy to skip sections if you do have a missing collectible though if you write down the key codes.

Pros - atmospheric. It’s a bit eerie and if you like walking sims with uncovering the story by reading then you might enjoy. There’s no fighting- one 2 spots you have to run and one timed event so you can die.

There are jump scares and weird lore that is why it gets a horror tag but there wasn’t much to it.

If you like the puzzle doors in RE Franchise then that’s basically all this game is.

Cons - graphics are ps3 level. Flat. Missing textures. Sometime you could see light through walls that weren’t supposed to have light. Slowed graphics and lots of blurring to render the most basic images.

The game is just too short for the price point. 3 hours with the quality of game was just not worth it and overall the storyline is a hodge podge of other games. Nothing felt new or exciting. The puzzles were were pretty basic too like explore to find a key code or find a doc w a clue.

It’s worth a 5 dollar pickup if you enjoy the pros I listed and it’s a quick platinum you can grab in one playthrough.

Pretty decent decision based game that tries its best to reconnect to 80s slasher films and pop culture.

Pros - interesting storyline, decisions are better than most where you can use items you find around the station to help, there are quick time events that may affect the gameplay or just be progressing the dialogue.

I liked how some small talk ends up foreshadowing the story or helping offer clues. It really takes work to solve the puzzles.

Some of the events have a little forgiveness if you don’t get the option right others are immediate fails. There’s 20+ people to save (or not save if you are going for the everyone dies ending).

Cons- The studio feature could have been better. You have so few albums, commercials, the preset sound effects and other features are really never used for anything helpful. My last play through I was bored enough to get over 125 paper baskets.

Some of the clues are pretty meh. Like one you find a friendship quiz the helps you determine who can help w tasks for your caller. It’s just one of those weird things to find in the radio station for one but deciphering the quiz with the tasks were a bit of a challenge.

Some tasks felt like luck like determining a take out place based on the best beer deal that can be easy to miss Forrest murmuring it to himself especially if you miss asking Peggy for help.

And the fact you pretty much don’t leave the studio makes the tasks repetitive. It can be a little slow / boring to wait for a call / event to play out since you are just listening to events over the call.

Another con is there’s only a handful of voice actors doing several voices. So there’s not much variety other than terrible accents - which I am guessing was a purposeful choice.

Anyway. Since I platinumed the game I found the differences in saving everyone or not affected the story a ton. So I feel the writers really tried to make a complex decision based game. Like I said some of the puzzles were challenging to figure out.

However by the 3rd play through I missed the option to skip the dialogue I already heard and it took me 11 hours or so to beat. A speedrun may take just over 3 hours a play through bc you cannot skip anything.

It’s worth a play through if you like these games. Maybe wait for a sale - would say this is worth 10 bucks.

A great remaster of the older games.

Better controls that are more responsive than some of the other games.

The 4th wall breaking and hubris of the King is top notch.

Compared to Katamari Reroll that I have for the switch, the gameplay is similar enough you know what it expect but also surprisingly updated. Some of the map areas are very different and some are pretty close. I didn’t play back and forth to honestly say how different they are but I know the focus in the newest game is on making planets vs stars so instead of collecting crabs to make the cancer constellation you make planets based off someone asking the king for help.

You go around helping characters who appear on your little map. Some of the levels you have to get the ask just right others it’s just one play through. And most if not all have extra asks after the first challenge is met.

So an example is a racetrack - that has a time limit to get the right size or one you have to see how fast it takes you to reach the size (so these are know as how large vs how fast). There are also eternal mode allowing you to play unlimited on some maps.

I was surprised how many extras I had after I thought I was done.

There’s a kings backstory with the chance to play as him. There are 40 cousins to find too. An extremely important thing to know (no idea of this is how the previous games were) but there can be several cousins in the same level but you have to unlock them in order - so play through one gets cousin 1 then you have to replay for cousin 2 to appear.

If you have to repeat levels because you missed the goal this might be the worst part of the game for a completionist. Because you add at minimum another 2-4 play throughs. I struggled the most for some reason get Lucha I had to replay 6-7 times and then play it all over again because there’s 2 more after him that will appear and even then I had to redo them. They are not in the eternal version of the map.

Other than the repetitiveness, the game retained its charm. I think because you can build so many strategies if you repeat a level you can watch it grow or find another route that is better.

It’s a nice challenge to get the platinum but nothing impossible - if you’re new to playing just don’t get discouraged if you can’t completed a level after several tries work on understanding a strategy and build up at getting better slowly. This is critical for those big ask short clock levels. The hardest one for me was the campfire. But once I worked on perfecting each minute I did it with so much time to spare.

I definitely was glad I opted to buy another katamari remaster and I really enjoyed this more than the previous one.