I really loved this game despite being challenging for me and being disheartened I will not get a platinum. I just know I will never be good enough to get gold rank on every level.

The game is really short if you only consider a single play through. Most levels take a few minutes to finish.

The game is still difficult - and to really enjoy it you’ll have to play some levels over and over to get the right achievement - gold rank, all hidden tokens and solve riddles.

It’s like a love child to sonic type speed collecting games and old school racing and rhythm arcade games. It might not make sense til you are 2-3 levels in why I describe the game like that but it’s got a classic appeal of perfect timing, trying to decide paths to take for points, or which will safely get you to the end. You have to be an extremely fast, recognize patterns to make decisions that will net the objective of you play through. Quite the strategic game when you really put the effort in.

The levels are visually beautiful with a cool moody almost cyber/retro vibe. The music is enjoyable with it fitting perfectly with the game play.

The concept of fighting through a tarot deck is intriguing and how it all comes together because of heartbreak.

Even though I was terrible at the gameplay I adore this little gem.

And can we just give a shout-out to Queen Latifah for narrating the game! She was perfect to set the final tone.

I can’t even get into the game play because it’s just unique from skateboarding to floating cards to sword fighting and avoiding obstacles hurled by a multi-headed wolf and even making your way into a VR game.

Give this immersive game a chance and just play through such a unique narrative.

It’s not a terrible brain teaser game but it’s repetitive and some words are too easy and some were complicated. It’s not the most difficult to platinum and most can be won in a single play through without needing to find every single word (Just the nine-letter one).

Basically you get a 4 letter word in a section that will let you know the key letter. When you select a level there’s an eight letter wheel with the 9th letter in the middle. You have no time limit either. All you do is find the words - they must be between 4-9 letters and include the middle letter. No other requirement other than the individual letter you select can only be used once.

Each section of 4 puzzles has a four letter word which I mentioned has the required middle letter but the word also is a hint for the 9-letter word.

With such a simple gameplay it might be a decent game for some kids who like spelling I’d say 3 grader and up even though they might only get some words. My son had some creative thoughts when he watched me play (he is 12) but has little interest in grinding through the puzzles to get the platinum.

Surprisingly my gameplay shows 4 hours which is a lot of puzzling for a simple game.

Worth the 4 dollars I bought it. The only sad thing is there’s no replay value at all so I wouldn’t by it for anything more than 5 bucks.

I haven’t beaten but think I can give a fair review.

You get a small grouping of trivia questions to answer in a specific time frame. You answer by using letter tiles to spell out the answer.

There’s no extra tiles. You can earn different level of hints to help as you solve the questions and beat the “level”

While I genuinely couldn’t answer some of these puzzles - like the country themed food 🤷🏻‍♀️… overall the trivia was extremely repetitive. You’d get the same questions almost back to back in different groupings.

For instance - the music section had boomtown rats as 5 or 6 different answers. There’s mix of old trivia and new and definitely varies by topic. The US trivia was way too easy being about states or presidents. And there’s already a US states category. I’m sure the other countries will be challenging but I worry about repetitiveness still.

It looks like you have to complete every single trivia question to get the platinum too.

There are also a lot of grammar mistakes and glitches - there’s a question about p diddy that has an extra p which you cannot solve unless you use 10 hints to give the answer to force the game to recognize you have the answer.

The controls are way stupid too. I can’t understand why it’s so poorly designed. It does affect the gameplay.

I recommend working through the entire trivia sections you know well to build up hints for the sections that you can’t answer even with all the letters. I have over 1K with having music, US states and 40 some USA puzzles completed. And I definitely use hints and still have a nice bank.

The game will take a long time to platinum as there are 24 topics ranging from 20-64 levels and each level having 5 questions.

If you like trivia it’s not the worst but I’d rather hop onto Sporcle esp bc this just does not play well on ps5.

Edit: I’ve downgraded my rating significantly. There’s so many errors in the game. The sports category has the question “x sport is said to have started in this country” and the answers are all the sport that’s in the question and not the country. So many questions are direct repeats. So many are back to back the same answer. The general knowledge is a joke - 90% of the questions are about elements, top exports (most are petroleum) or biggest companies location (most are us).

None of the questions have been updated since Queen Elizabeth’s passing.

The Oceania and South America topics were embarrassingly bad.

Way more glitches than before. Letters will randomly disappear or duplicate or fall off the screen. Using hints sometimes breaks and won’t show you the Answer. And so many types and mistakes in the questions.

The worst thing is I’ve gotten used to not even reading the question I can just look at the letters bc these questions are so repetitive

I have 7 unplayed categories and 2 half done and have amassed almost 6K in hints. I don’t even try if the words are long 🫠.

Also 20 hours of game play and still quite a lot to complete (plus the daily challenge for 30 days) and only have 12/21 trophies. This is such a grind!

Worlde style game that does have a guessing limit. Around 120 puzzles so takes time to get through but overall simple to platinum. I enjoyed some light brain teaser puzzles to relax after work.

It’s cute and a great calming game. You blow up characters, eat them to turn them to poop, and yet they all run around giggling.

Platinum is a time suck. Puzzles are overly simple but the biggest drop in rating is that it’s soooo slow. They’re no skipping the cut scenes and some of them are extremely slow. Another problem is it can glitch and without an auto save you could lose some time spent playing.

Cute diner sim that’s a bit like diner dash style play. The art is cute. The premise is simple enough - nothing complicated with this game.

Some issues - it’s easy to get stuck on things like door ways and it’s hard to set things down or pick them up. This is just an annoyance if you are rushing and the physics are a bit funky.

I don’t think you can even fail a day; you can have good or bad days but there’s a tree of upgrades you work to unlock with money and that’s about it in terms of objectives.

Note the ps5 is broken and several of the trophies are glitched and still not working. I have almost everything done even just got the lemon tree but can’t get the trophies I’ve earned.

Hoping the developers and Sony fix this issue as the ps4 trophy system works. Shelved waiting to get the patch. If you are looking or get maybe go with the ps4 so you can get the platinum.


The game is made to be an interactive film - playthroughs are independent of each other with an overall completion status at the end of each play through.

As enticing as it may seem to find out how many things there are to uncover (15 endings!) they all fall so flat.

The binary choices feel pointless. Sometimes reading an email affects a choice but it’s rare. It’s so uncommon for Loralyn to adapt to what your actions are. For example - you may be able to find a piece of information that you read and then recall it later to affect the story. But most of the actions don’t give you an option to use to your advantage. Many options aren’t straightforward with choices seemingly irrelevant to what ends up happening to the characters. It makes it hard to recall what you did in previous play throughs because the narrative just does what it wants.

This is far from being a decision based game and definitely falls in the realm of interactive movie. It’s definitely not thrilling or horror it’s got minimal suspense and some mystery and that’s about it.

So many missed opportunities of building up lore and narrative because the game relies on having a linear and independent play through. Unlike other FMV that allow you to uncover information out of sequence and build up longer narratives and character development this is just a snippet of content that doesn’t hit the spot.

I played several times to platinum but had to use a guide for the last couple since I just couldn’t remember what my choices were on past plays throughs - the most confusing one involving Jacqueline since she literally had the exact scene at least two other play throughs I had but the trophy is looking for something particular I was missing how to get.

While I mentioned your actions really don’t affect Loralyns ability in decision making (ie - recall a previous action) - most choices do affect what comes next. choices will affect if an email can be read or if a character calls you which is weirdly annoying to try to figure out how to get things to reappear or if you are trying to uncover all of the story ( which I say just don’t even bother).

It feels chaotic and maybe that’s the point to hide any linear / clear choices - it hinders a pit of the replay value. Unless you have time to write down the choices and branch them out or you have a phenomenal memory the game does little to promote a completionist play through.

Many trophies pop mid story so there’s really only a few ending you even need to uncover from an achievement perspective. I think I uncovered maybe 5 endings (you can only see this information at the end of your play through there’s no other way to see it). You can track things like documents uncovered and your relationship status with characters but it’s entirely dependent on your current play through with no ability to see what you had in any other prior game. I had 0 benefit of these features. I never used them I looked it maybe once or twice but really it all meant nothing to me.

I wouldn’t pay more than 4 bucks for the game - if you are looking for a simple platinum then it’s definitely possible to get in under 4 hours.

The concept of this FMV is pretty common - whodunit.

A single play through is fairly quick you can get pretty lucky with some guessing but it’s also interesting to see other endings knowing you are doing the “wrong one”

I feel like plot was trope after trope and I immediately guessed the would be killer and what the reason was before even hitting play.

I had fun working through the the dialogue - at first. Then it becomes a chore. It at least felt more random with which choice would spark the evidence and there’s a chance not getting evidence could still prove right for the next dialogue depending which characters you choose to interact with - finally unlocking evidence after missing would feel good and most of the evidence made you want to see where the accusations could go. Plus you can probably 100% in a single play through to add that accolade to your profile.

The skip function was complete garbage. It worked so poorly and you could skip choosing an answer so easily but you were forced to see the exact same sections every single time - and to complete the game I think I replayed it a dozen or so times (mostly from accidentally skipping the one main answer that immediately ends the game)

I think it would be fun to play with friends instead of watching a movie to help remember which things you’ve asked and when you talked to characters so it was less like to repeat a lot of the same things that didn’t advance the game.

Anyway worth the play through but I wish the characters weren’t all so repulsive and it was easier to skip things you have to see each play through and wish you had more of a chance to use unlocked evidence to question someone else - this triggered automatically and only a handful of times I remember it happening. Unlike other games that give you the option to use it. Would have been cool if people lied and you could use evidence to call them out and get more info. Overall though it’s worth the cost of a movie rental.

If you enjoy FMV games then this is worth the play through - especially if you find it on sale or through game pass/ps plus premium/ etc.

this game really makes you think about your internet safety and areas of morally gray decisions. It takes time to get used to staring at someone talking like it’s at you. So you feel invasive and uncomfortable. Especially some of the conversations.

The controls are pretty simple. The cursor snaps around to fields you can click if you use a controller and it feels odd if your not used to the cursor snapping back to a spot or jumping to a new one.

Some helpful hints for someone trying to get all trophies/ achievements. If you bookmark every video you can track how many you watched easily and there are lists online you can match up dates to see what you missed. You can also use the info ( “i” icon) too. There are 170 videos I had 169 in my info icon based off what I read online but missed one and had to search through everything to find - confirmed it shows 170 in the info field and I got the trophy (you have to sit through the unskippable end credits to get it to count so if miss any you’ll keep having to watch the ending and credits again). The good thing is if you miss one you go back to right before you download the videos.

I had to use a list of keywords to find some of the videos there’s just so many to find.

Some challenges - when you find a video it plays at the moment of a keyword. If you are interested in the storyline you have to slowly rewind there’s no way to start at the beginning of videos. This is annoying since you search based on keywords and there are videos that the last seconds start and you have to go back and watch it all.

It’s hard to follow because you are watching videos as you find them. Even using obviously signals like David’s facial hair of understand the timeline, it doesn’t fully help. The whole telling lies felt missing - because you’re skipping around it’s hard to catch the deceit to the right extent. I read a guide after completing and missing some of the events that happened which made me annoyed spending so much time finding all the videos. And I may have missed watching all the videos in their entirety which made it easy of miss it.

The searching is tedious the first part it was interesting but I kept forgetting keywords. My play style was to watch all 5 videos in my keyword search but that meant having to jot down other words I wanted to search later. I most often used the keyboard search function instead of the selection in the video because I didn’t want to rewatch the same videos and track down the word in the subtitle.

It might be better to play a different way but you’ll have to make a note of searches to repeat.

It would have been nice once you searched a keyword top the five videos were grouped together in a folder. You can see your history but you have to click through them all over again. I also think the videos should auto tag your keywords as you searched and they came up in the 5 viewable. The tagging feature is too much work. I only used it for the trophy and it’s a lot of work to add new ones, and assign them. And go go that for even 100 videos would double / triple play time.

It also would have been cool to offer an option to play all videos in chronological order especially if you found all of them. I’d be interested in seeing that. Maybe it’s on YouTube.

Anyway - I’m giving it a generous 3.5 stars for the story / acting / using FMV technique.

I forced myself to platinum this game after I decided to put some effort into understanding it. The professional reviews were some of the most critical so I told myself I would actually make an attempt play if long enough to give it my unbiased opinion.

I ended up putting around 30 hours into platinuming the game. I did way more than was needed as I thought most of the side quests were a part of the trophies - they were not.

This game is bad and not worth the free download it was given. It’s unnecessarily difficult due to glitchy and clunky mechanics. I was over 26 hours into the game when I finally took the time to learn the super wushu process - it’s so stupid - you must use 3 special moves to enter a like 5 second power move that is easy to fail. It can be blocked by opponents. The super moves only register maybe 20% of the times and they reset - if you haven’t wiped everyone out just trying to get the moves to work. And you have to jumped to diff weapon types to find the special moves - you cannot do this with one weapon. The whole point of picking a class is to have mastery in specific combat and this just shits all over that. If your character excels with ranged weapons you still have to have upgraded ones for all hand to hand melees just to be able to fire off the specials needed. And try to time it right where your super wushu will defeat the enemy which had to be the last hit. You’ll probably have to do this 200 times to even get the 50 for the trophy because it’s that difficult to unlocked. Only once where I was fighting 9 enemies at once did I manage a 4 defeat with a single super wushu.

I turned off the dialogue and controller sound effects and even then I spent the entire time shouting at the stupid automation that narrates everything to just stfu. He’s talks almost nonstop. Mansplains the weather. Constantly yells at you not to slip / fall / etc. complains it ifs night. Or day. Loves that it’s night or day. And everything thing has the dumbest names. Like, if dr Seuss and roald Dahl had a competition to come up with the dumbest naming convention ever, bad. Water is goo. Gasoline go juice. Twing twang. Plonk something. But you better believe these little furry shitheads know about greenhouse gases and how chemicals work and destroyed the world.

There’s supposed to be this whole choose your path like you genuinely have 2 options. If you do dark things even if you are following the light path the characters freak tf out. Flat out berate you for your choices. They will refuse to join you even. if you’re only one over being balanced they complain your heart is too cold too.

I ended up getting max dark just to spite everyone because the bullying was too annoying. I wish I could have watched everyone burn and the planet die. Not sure if it’s an ending but that’s what these little effects deserved. And the developers. Why give anyone the option if it’s so obviously the wrong one? I know lots of games do this but the self-righteous this game spews should be a crime.

Every puzzle is the same. Spend forever wandering, find puzzle, take way too long to defeat a horde of enemies. Solve puzzle in 3 seconds. Repeat every few min. You can’t even go more than 2 minutes without engaging some fighting which sometimes you can just run off but you can’t interact with anything unless it’s “safe”.

The clan fights are the same 3. Down to the exact dialogue and choices. And cut scenes. The world eaters are the same setup. The side quests are 99% “fetch me an item (3x) and if you complain +1 dark aura and treat you like scum”.

You have limited fast traveling. You can’t set waypoints if it’s not a special marker. You can’t fast travel if your quest is marked you have to unmarked it. You can’t fast travel for other things like during combat, if you’re drowning/falling, if you’re on a mount if you are underground, etc Some biomes have hardly any markers. You pretty much can only follow a road to the quests bc any other route will send you to water you can’t traverse (or die you immediately if you slip in, your paraglided doesn’t deploy like it’s supposed to, etc. ) or it’s too steep to climb up.

There’s nothing special with the leveling up. Even the powers you develop felt worthless most of the time. Once I started crafting my weapons and upgrading my armor I never had to buy anything. I probably had 75K in money and items that were worthless. You find so much junk that’s pretty worthless you can scrap. It takes so long do have to scrap items to upgrade what you keep but it’s worth if if you still somehow think this game is worth playing.

One true testament for just how garbage the game is - all the trophies are pretty easy to get in on play through. You can even get it without even beating the game! But almost all of them are at least uncommon because so many people just stopped playing the game. Not from difficulty.

Also you literally collect shit for other characters ( walking around with poo pockets). And that’s the most accurate way to define this awful game.

The game could have been better. The fact is, you’re literally just rushing through screen after screen almost always from left to right with minimal button copying sequences that count as playing the guitar.

I disliked all characters especially Violeta. Can we finally get a game with a female character who’s not extremely abrasive as a plot device. She’s so rude, condescending and plain vile and yet you’re supposed to swoon over her because she puts on laser show? She can be aloof without being such a shitty person. If the gameplay was long idk if I couldn’t have forced myself to button mash through her unnecessarily snarky and negative commentary any longer.

There’s a major disconnect with finding your own style yet all the shows you perform you are forced to play Simon says with the critic being the one to tell you exactly what to play.

There’s no style change to the art or music as you adventure through your space opera. It’s all the same sounds and solos. At least give us a new guitar and new peddle effects. The art is really cool even if doesn’t change much from sections and it makes the game a bit immersive as you side scroll your way through it.

Plus it really felt the creative team hates folk music. There’s such an extreme push to find your own identity and not be forced into something based on what people expect. But that’s exactly what they do. Your character has no freedom and is forced into the prog rock space opera. Not by style because they keep using it in the dialogue. They make the mechanics Simon says. And you sound exactly like the the main act. There’s so little originality your character actually gets and when you finally do - which is to pick out a new outfit the game literally decides the next section should be about how shitty your choices were.

As some who who listens to all types of rock music I found it contrite and annoying that they made folk music seem derivative and uncool while making your characters play the same boring solos for 3 hours straight. There’s nothing wrong with either music style but to villainize folk music and to only give one type of prog rock seems backwards.

Overall not worth playing even for the pretty art and simple platinum.

Quirky dialogue filled with puns and breaking the 4th wall. I don’t play many turned based rpgs but found there was little strategy needed. There are so many items and upgrades I struggled a bit in the clunky menus understanding what I was selecting and if I truly had the best items. Either way it’s not worth a lot of effort as the gameplay is only 3-4 hours. And there are several parts where you’re just reading what happened without it doing anything.

On sale for 5 bucks you can get an easy platinum in a single gameplay and chuckle a little over how weird the story and dialogue is. I think it wad worth it but not for anything more than that price.

I enjoy Cthulhu far more than I like Christmas so this might have been target more for someone like me. If we get a Cthulhu saves Halloween that would be my jam.

Also be sure to save often. I had some weird glitches that froze my gameplay and had to pretty much redo the entire last part all over again as it froze during my last boss.

A food named pup understands the challenge of self-worth, societal expectations , and the importance of creating your own value in life.

This game combines simple cutesy art with mental and emotional themes. It’s delves into fighting inner demons from yourself and others to break the barriers we put on ourselves. Battle trauma with art. The gameplay is really unique having to control
Both your character and a paintbrush with each joy stick. Simple and complex challenges with over 20+ hours of gameplay.

Each place you encounter can be colored in. You find things like brush styles that can make fun designs and textures. Spend hours hunting down collectibles or go to the art school and just draw. Or explore the map with most screens offers some type a puzzle to move ahead. As you obtain new skills it’s fun to explore the same areas to see if things were missed.

There are some physics issues that can hinder gameplay - especially puzzles that you have to sorta aim jump. The litter challenge felt impossible even with the hints. Litter is currency to some so it’s hard to know that you’ve actually collected and you only get a vague location hint. I wish at the end you could have received a gps upgrade like you get with the kids. Clothes were not as difficult since they are named you can find lists to see what you missed and look up the location. I had over 100 and was still missing items. I didn’t platinum the game as the collecting of items felt too heavy a chore. For a game about self-worth the item collecting made me feel like such a failure I had to shelve the game for my own wellness which really upsets me. I failed my character but the game was still beautiful and intriguing.

The boss fights can be difficult because you have to be fast and coordinated moving the character and brush around or I would recommend this for kids. I helped my kids fight the 1st boss and it was really easy.

If you are starting out new my two hints are to color at least a path you went so you know where you’ve been and either mark on tend map or keep a list of collectibles you couldn’t collect. There are characters that give hints but i still couldn’t complete them. There are guides that give you checklists I saw too late in my gameplay to use.

Doesn’t live up to the hype or the 1st game. You can beat the story in maybe 3 hours. The side stuff is all just boring filler if you care to platinum the game - which forces you to replay this monstrosity a second time and redo a lot of the side stuff if you spent too many points on gadgets instead of the items only available in new game+. I hated Phin so much - sad nerd turned terrorist felt way too gross. And you are forced to sit through the cut scenes even in ng+. The venom power is bland it’s worthless until it becomes so OP it’s near impossible to get the 100 combo if you are fully upgraded because it wipes out everyone around you and barely impacts your combo. You can clear entire bases with hardly a 60 combo if you accidentally use the venom powers. It took me longer to get that trophy the to play the game.

The game is worth 10 bucks but maybe you’ll get 5 bucks worth of fun from it. It worries me how bad the third game could be. Too much of exact same fights / dodge and you’ll stun the boss so you can squeeze in some button mashing til the boss come back to it - 3x times til you invoke a cutscene with slight variations on the dodging you go til you them stun again. For every boss. And there’s only a few of them. :(

The one good thing about this is the better crime in process setup. And miles and ganke.

Secretly wish this game would get dumped in a hole in the desert next to ET.

Knowing this was a decade in the making I feel it’s a bit stuck. It’s a quick play if you can manage figuring out the controls and camera angles.

The puzzles are pretty basic and the narrative isn’t anything really unique.

The positives - the split screen moments. This is what shelved the game for so long. I thought some parts were really interesting with flipping between a spirit and human realm but seeing both on the screen was a unique spin that kept me motivated to play.

I thought the game did top notch use of the ps5 controller with the adaptive triggers and with the haptic feedback. Also interesting use of the speaker on the controller. The motion controls were completely unnecessary though. The gameplay as a result is pretty immersive especially feeling the breeze on parts of the controller and the rain. If you are new to ps5 and find this for free it might be worth trying it out a bit just to see a lot of the features used in a single game. This makes me hopeful to see what else is made that really takes advantage of next gen tech.

I feel like my favorite parts were rare which the game should have just made your character a detective solving paranormal events instead of creating what it did with the story. The two features I called out is why I am ranked it a 3.5.

The creature in chase / sneak sequences is horribly annoying - extremely repetitive. It literally says the same thing any time you get caught and it’s the same cut scene regardless of how you are caught. This is a big reason the game lacks significantly and is rated a lot lower than it could have gotten. The story is pretty average. Nothing special. It’s not really bad just wasn’t compelling.

Having the set camera angles and changing them up without warning makes gameplay clunky - it’s way more reminiscent of Alan Wake. Which is interesting considering they could have had similar release dates. I know the first person was too confusing so they scrapped it and I’m sure being able to spin your own camera on split screens could be extremely nauseating so I’m not sure of the alternative. Maybe fixed cameras that have a predictable setup and not ones that are meant to hide collectibles and make the monster scenes more frustrating.

Some of the graphics are good sometimes they are really funky. I missed some of the collectibles so I didn’t platinum and probably will move it over to my extended storage as I just don’t feel it’s worth playing a second time. At least not any time soon but this is a game that’s definitely possible to 100% that’s not too time consuming and if you do it right you can get it in one play through.

I didn’t not threaten to abandon the game like I did the entire time I pushed myself through Alan Wake (the remastered that one hasn’t held up).

If bloober made a game similar where it’s just solving mysteries like a paranormal detective without the horror sequences that failed and the lack-luster storytelling then I would definitely play it. Its Too bad this one just didn’t hit the mark on many things.

Also - can the characters learn to actually run and not do more of a causal jog? I couldn’t stop laughing at how terrible they were at running and how there would be a scary moment and Marianne would be terrified, out of breath and then look at something that would make her comment about how cute something was or she’d have a chuckle in her voice.