This games has the best level design in all the franchise, the best style, the best control, have so many different gameplay and has a great soundtr... nevermind its not that great actually. So yes, its the best crash game ever made...I WOULD SAY THIS IF THE COMPLETION OF THIS GAMES WASNT AWFUL! my god this games is bullshit when you attempt a 100% and the glitchies and animal section doesnt help, i mean, this games was this close of being better than warp, and it frustate me, that it was ruin by such easy thing to fix

Hope that crash 5 would correct those mistake, so we could have the...oh wait Activision has forced the team who made the games to work only for cod warzone YEAHHHHHHHHH...fuck you Activision

Ok edit cause i replayed warped recently...and you know what? I prefer its about time now ...sooooo...oops

Little nightmare 2 is better than the first one...thats basically it: i mean the visual and atmosphere are stellar here, the story is way more interesting, the overvariety of gameplay, gimmick and boss are just ridiculous, and the games controls a little bit better...and yet, even tho this games is better that the first one, i found it way less scary that ln1, i cant find why exacty, but idk, there is something about this boat in ln1 who make it more... terrifying, the town in ln2, is prettier, but feels more as a background. Also this games is still very and is oddly less good the more you travers it (like, my favorite enemy was the hunter, the first one in the whole games) but oh well, this is still amazing games

This games..has honestly some clunky control at times...and bullshit at someplace...and yet is very short and easy...but i dont care i still love this games : the visual style, the sound design, the evolution of the main character 6, the disturbing enviromnent, and the stressful moment and chase sequence, and all the variety of the big threat of this games, make it most scariest games that i ever played: yes the second games is better in almost everyway, but he hasnt top the creepyness of this boat

Yup, cuphead is without a doubt really hard...but not a die and retry because the pattern are just so tidly made, the gameplay so precise, and everything just so fun, that i cant say it is a stupid die and retry, because its possible to react at all the shit going on on screen, but its just really hard, not unfair. Also did i mention that this game is sooooo pretty and detail, like, come the fuck on, this is one of the most beautiful and creative games that i ever saw, something that can be resume by the excellent boss of this games, because yes, this games is a boss rush, and the particularity is that all of them are great. They are also run and gun level, but honestly, they are not as good in my opinion. And did i mention the music ? Did i really need to explain why its so freaking jazzy and exceptionnal?

Yes this is the best (ex lol) exclusivity from the xbox one

This games was my first "out of the park" kind of games: i was shocked that a horror games actually make me feels stress and fear this much: even while replaying it, im full of stress and i Can feels the danger everythere on this messed up waistland that is The stem : the gameplay is great, even tho the aiming can feels off sometimes and wonderfully built around this semi open worlds fools of contents and easter, even on my fourth playthrought, ive still havent got everything in the games.The rpg element with your stats and weapon and the craft also add a great sense of complexity and strategy on this games, and believe me, you will need a lot of upgrade because this games is brutally difficult: i litteraly died 3 times because of the first zombies of the games in hard mode, but everything is fair, althought the camera can screw you in some exigit places. Yes this games isnt very pretty, even tho the monster are still terrifying here, yes the score only shine at some place (like with the theodore boss fight) and yes the scenario isnt super great, but this games would stay for me a underrated gems

I have a question for you, do you think that video games is art? Personnaly, i always thought that way, and i think that the game that can proove this the best is celeste: celeste, is in my opinion the best video game ever made, with his wonderful story, about depression and acceptation, absolutly ne wonderfully tell on this simple but addictive quest of climbing a mountain. The gameplay is also toth and precise and yet fair and satisfaying, and can be put in practrice with a perfect level design : every level are a blast and every element here feels cohesive and perfectly feat. The score is one of the best of all the video games that i ever play : its upbit, atmospheric, but sometimes gave us a feeling of anxiety and danger, echoing the feeling of all the lovable character present...yes, im not scared of saying this, but celeste is my favorite games of all times