A fun co-operative experience

This game is fun with friends

A hot mess that I come back to for some reason

Wii sports but more. A great time

My first playthrough of Metroid game. It was a fun adventure exploring almost every secret that I could find. Also a fantastic remake.

My first real experience with the permadeath system. I thought the game was really fun. I think this remake is a great modernization of the original.

I love almost everything about this game. The story, the characters, the music, the art, and the voice acting are all phenomenal and some of the best in the franchise from what I've played. However, the maps aren't greatly designed and gets repetitive towards the end. But in the end, I still like this game.

I wish this was the game I started with instead of Birthright. Anyway, fine 3DS game, though can be easily exploited. Music was great and characters are enjoyable.

I always thought this game looked impressive. Its a fun time as well with combing abilities.

Favorite of the classics, fun stages and great music.

(Played through origins)

Feel the same way about 1 as I did this one

(Played through mega collection and origins)

High-highs but low-lows

(Played through iOS and origins)