About You: Xenon Edition

Saw people doing a thing so I thought fuck it why not join the bandwagon
(Also I hope you don't mind the potential for repeat entries)

Favorite Game

I still don't know if I'll ever get another experience quite like Hollow Knight, but I have good hopes that Silksong can live up to this
Best soundtrack

Highly regarded and for good reason, Toby Fox deserves a damn award for this
Favorite ending

God that entire final act in general was such a work of art, honestly the most powerful part of a game I've ever played
Favorite protagonist (Sunny)

My poor child, he just needs a hug
Favorite series

Despite his frequent stumbles, I still have tons of admiration for Sonic, his series, and his legacy
Favorite villain (Count Bleck)

It's so odd that a Mario game has a villain as well written as this but I'm not complaining
Tons of hours played

The game I'm the most actively involved in and is honestly one of the games that got me to where I am today, silly as it sounds
Also I have over 11k hours logged into this on Steam got daMN
Best art style

This game has such a vibrant overall style but that combined with the time travel mechanic provides for some of the best environments I've seen in a game
Best story

The first story that truly connected with me, and I still hold it in a very high regard
Have not played, but want to

I've been so enamored by this game ever since I first heard of it and the fact that I don't have my hands on it hurts me deeply
You hate, everyone loves

The middle portion of this chapter was genuinely the most miserable experience I've had in a game
Game you always come back to

Peak party gaming right here
You love, everyone hates

I'm an avid fan of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games and while this one isn't as good as the others I still enjoy it all the same, so seeing people treat this like it murdered their entire lineage is honestly really disheartening
Guilty pleasure

Both Club Penguin DS games can apply here as I thought they were pretty neat point and click adventure styled games
Stressful game

The constant dread of running from doom is something that effortlessly gets my heart pounding each time I play, and is especially powerful on higher difficulties
Favorite boss fight (Pure Vessel)

I have a story about why I love this boss so much that I really want to tell but that's for a another day
Childhood game

Weird how one of the games that shaped my childhood was a damn flash game but that level editor was one of the things that I was searching for desperately as a child and man did it shape my love for artistic creation


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