Steam Next Fest - February 2023

Other demos I've played that aren't on here:
URBO: ★ ★ ★ - Like a more polished version of 2048. Quite satisfying to play and a decent bit of fun for a little while. I couldn’t see myself playing it much beyond what I have in the demo though.

Lempo: ★★ - Looked somewhat interesting from the screenshots, but all I got was a bland, uninteresting exploration game. I didn't end up finishing the demo, because it dragged on for so long and I couldn't be bothered to find the solution for the door code in the cave. Does nothing to intrigue me.

Sisters of Sweetwater: ★½ - Weird = Experimental. I don't know wtf this was or if it was supposed to be satire, but it was just a complete mess. Seems like it didn't take much effort to make, some models are literally just the blank capsules from Unity. I guess there could be a somewhat interesting story buried in here somewhere, there were definitely fragments of something interesting, but I really didn't enjoy what I played. I couldn't even finish the demo because when I read a note, it was stuck on the screen and I couldn't get rid of it, then when I relaunched the game, it reset to the beginning. Also why did they put phonk music in the main menu? Will be ignoring this one when it releases.


Boxes: Lost Fragments
Boxes: Lost Fragments
★★★½ - I assumed this was made by the same developers as The Room, but it's not. It's a shame to see them completely rip the concept off, without innovating in any way, but it was a lot of fun still and incredibly satisfying of course. Might pick this up when it releases. Btw, please add a colourblind option.


★★ - From reading the description and looking at the screenshots, this seems like a really cool and unique game. Playing it is a completely different story though. As it stands, it is just a confusing mess with no direction. I didn't have the slightest clue what was going on or how to progress. I ended up giving up after 25 minutes. What a shame. I still want to check this out when it releases though just from the concept alone, but I hope it doesn't end up like what I experienced here.


I Did Not Buy This Ticket
I Did Not Buy This Ticket
★★★ - Fairly interesting. The horror isn't super unique, but is at least creepy and the story is looking to be decent, but its hard to tell from just 10 minutes of gameplay. I'll keep my eye on this one.


★★½ - Kind of decent I guess, but it’s not really a whole lot of fun. It’s kind of like a 2D silent hill or something. I don’t really know what the point of it is though. The gameplay is super simple, with no combat and the story was basically non-existent from what I played. Will probably ignore this when it releases.


★ ★ ★½ - Very fun game. Has quite a lot of content for a demo and the gameplay and visual style were really enjoyable. The concept of using fire as your primary tool was quite fun, but some enemy encounters were a bit frustrating since they can’t be harmed without fire. The RPG elements were also well implemented and I could imagine a very enjoyable experience once the game fully releases. I might be picking this one up!


Paper Bum
Paper Bum
★★ - Doesn't do anything to grab my interest. In just 5 minutes, it only leaves the impression that it is just a basic 2D walking game, maybe with a few puzzles, in a similar vein to Limbo & Inside. Won't be picking this up when it releases.


Plan B: Terraform
Plan B: Terraform
★★★ - Seems like a fun little game. I can imagine it being quite relaxing if you really got into it, but from what I played, the game throws a lot at you that it becomes kind of stressful, for me at least. It was decent, but I can't see myself getting into it.


Planet of Lana
Planet of Lana
★★★ - Another game that's incredibly similar to Inside, but this time with an added feature of the pet companion. It seems decent, but didn't really grab my attention much. Might keep my eye on this.


Radio the Universe
Radio the Universe
★★★★ - So much fun. I thought it was gonna be super frustrating at first, only being able to take one hit before dying, but once they introduced the upgrades, I thought it was great. The enemies were a little simple, but still fun to fight, and I enjoyed the bosses a lot. The aesthetics and cutscenes were incredibly similar to Signalis, which looks awesome, so I'll definitely be checking this out again when it releases fully. Lots of content for a demo as well!


★★½ - Completely fine. Nothing special at all. I liked the art style, but the gameplay was simple, but not even in a fun way. That boss fight was awful though. I gave up after a few attempts.


Scene Investigators
Scene Investigators
★★ - Really bland and uninteresting. It was quite difficult to piece things together and actually come up with the answers, which was a bit annoying. I don’t think I would play the full game and it seems like another game that kind of lacks purpose and direction, unless the full game has an actual narrative tying everything together.


Swarm Grinder
Swarm Grinder
★★★★ - Tons of fun. Looks to be similar to Vampire Survivors or something, but I haven't played that, so I'm not sure. Loved the gameplay and abilities, which all felt incredibly balanced. Everything has this kind of risk vs reward factor to it, which can really make each playthrough different. Will absolutely be checking this out and will likely be replaying the demo a few more times.


System Shock
System Shock
★★★ - Incredibly long for a demo. I ended up at 1 hour 30 minutes by the time I quit playing. It was a decent experience for someone who isn't familiar with the System Shock games. The lack of direction and guidance made this quite frustrating though. I had no idea what to do by the end of it. I think I got the cameras to 20% and I couldn't find any more anywhere else. I'm not super into immersive sims, but I might check this out when it releases.


The Gray Man
The Gray Man
★★½ - The art style is really cool, that's what caught my eye about this, but jesus the gameplay is horrible and near unplayable for me. It also doesn't help that it's incredibly buggy on controller. There were a few occurences where the menu would be stuck on the screen with no way of getting rid of it, forcing me to relaunch the game. Could've been cool, but from what I've played, I doubt I'll be checking this out when it releases.


★★½ - Just a simple survival game. I'm not all that interested in that kind of thing, but the train mechanic was at least a little different. Probably won't be checking this out when it releases.


Ghost of Fall
Ghost of Fall


Sons of Valhalla
Sons of Valhalla


The End of the Sun
The End of the Sun


Wandering Sword
Wandering Sword


1 year ago

Ah, so I'm not alone on Voidtrain. People recommend it a lot, but I thought it wasted so much fkn time. Maybe it gets better later, but it's such a slog to get through.

1 year ago

Totally agree! I thought it was kinda cool at first, but then spent like 20 minutes just gathering materials and quickly remembered why I don’t like most survival games lol

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