Easily one of the best stories I’ve experienced in a game. The gameplay was just brutal though. It was so stressful to play at times that I don’t even feel ashamed to admit that I used mods to make the game easier after the first few hours. I wasn’t there for the gameplay, I was there for the fantastic writing and story.


Honestly not very fun to play. The combat wasn't engaging and anytime I saw the enemies pop up I would just roll my eyes and want it to be over with.

Also, having the final save point be over an hour away from the ending of the game is one of the biggest dick moves in any game I've played, especially when the final boss one shots you if you make a tiny mistake. It almost made me quit playing the game after I died that first time.

I'm just glad the game is only a couple of hours long, as I would not have managed to play this for any longer than I did.

It's pretty fun I guess, just not my kind of thing. The survival horror RE is so much better than the action-focused game this was.

Story was dumb as hell, but really entertaining.

Really cool story and fun turn based combat, but it just started becoming less and less interesting as it went on for me. Still a great game, but I'm not sure if I would play it again.

A very profound experience for me. Improves on the first 2 games in terms of gameplay in many ways, bringing you into various different environments, all equally as unsettling as the last. One thing about the areas in this game is the scale. The giant shopping mall and subway especially make you feel tiny. I had to take a break for a few days midway through the shopping mall section because it was just creeping me out so much.

I've never experienced a game that portrays a nightmare as realistically as this. One part in particular that displayed this best, for me (SPOILERS), was when you finally reach the train home. It pulls up, as you stand at the front car, and not only does the door stay closed, but every door stays closed except the one at the very back, meaning you have to run all the way to the opposite end of the platform. This may be quite subjective, but these kind of small things just make the game more and more nightmarish for me.

An unforgettable experience, and what is probably the most effectively horrifying game I've ever played. SH2 is still my favourite though, as I favour the story of it far more than this and SH1.