The functionality of the dualsense controller with this game absolutely blew me away when I first experienced it.

I wish they did a bit more with this remake instead of just giving it a graphical overhaul and redoing animations. I would’ve loved it if they improved on the tendency mechanic (or removed it entirely) and even modified certain bosses like dragon god to make it more of an eventful fight. Still a great game, but a bit of a missed opportunity.

Improves on the original in a lot of ways and trims a ton of the fat that was present in the first. Exploring and getting all the collectables felt like a lot less of a chore in this, so I didn't mind going for the platinum. Still, requiring a full new game+ playthrough was a terrible decision and it didn't do anything but worsen my experience of the game.

Endlessly satisfying gameplay. A lot more fun than I was expecting it to be. Some enemy placements were kind of stupid though and got me killed too many times, but pretty amazing game overall.

Visually stunning, but the writing and gameplay didn't engage me much at all.

Just finished the demo of this and it is legit the most fun game I’ve played in years. Constant action that is super satisfying and keeps you on your toes. I’m definitely going to be buying the game on steam now. Could quite possibly end up becoming one of the best games I’ve ever played full stop.

Improves on everything Limbo attempted to do. Has a better atmosphere and world in my opinion and drastically improves its puzzle design because it doesn’t frustrate the player by making the solutions incredibly convoluted and confusing.

Campaign: 6/10
Zombies: 8/10
Multiplayer: 5/10

Plenty of excellent choices and changes to the zombies mode that I enjoyed a lot and had a blast playing. The maps aren’t very good overall, but the gameplay is thoroughly enjoyable. Super sprinters were a terrible addition though.

As for the singleplayer, it was decent, but still a little mediocre. It didn’t blow me away or anything, but I still had quite a bit of fun finishing it. The best mission was where you had to infiltrate the soviet bunker. The diversity in paths you could take to reach your goal was a very enjoyable aspect and it’s a shame it wasn’t used in any other missions.

I think I would’ve enjoyed this quite a lot more had I never played the remake, but because I have, this just pales in comparison. The gameplay is slightly dated of course, but I just love the level design and puzzles of these old survival horror games.


An incredibly solid and straightforward platformer that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. A nice story with engaging gameplay and beautiful scenery. It doesn’t necessarily excel in any departments, but what it does provide is a well made, polished experience.

Everything Supermassive has made since Until Dawn has been an attempt to recapture the magic that game had, but none have succeeded in doing so or have even come close. Instead, they repeat the same structure and gameplay of Until Dawn, but without the charm or enjoyability that game had. The writing is very subpar and it lacks any form of scares thanks to its strange decision to remove jumpscares and opt for an unsettling atmosphere, which could have been a successful decision had it been done right. The horror of Until Dawn was for more effective and engaging and was a rare occurrence of jumpscares done successfully. But nevertheless, it was still a far more enjoyable experience than those awful Dark Pictures games.

It’s free and takes about an hour or two to finish so definitely worth giving a go. Personally, I didn’t get much from it story wise, but it excelled in creating a very unsettling and uncomfortable atmosphere with its visuals.

A reasonably enjoyable single player with some really interesting ideas that were explored, but not utilised to the fullest. I would’ve liked the time travel feature to be used more than just a singular mission.

Literally the most uninteresting game I've played in my life. I stuck with it for about 2 hours, hoping for something to attach to, but there's nothing.