This was my jam in middle school. It's Pokemon come on there's always a mass appeal to it. Wish Sword/Shield was a fraction as good as this game

A really fun and underrated Mario outing. Hopefully with the love 3D World has been getting people will appreciate this one more

It was ridiculously fun back in 2017-2018 and was the only thing I was playing for a few months of high school, but it's kinda peaked. It's become way too complicated for it's own good and too much licenses and big brands for me to come back to it. Still the best battle Royale game

A very creative, VERY fun sports game that I haven't played a whole lot of. The learning curve is very steep and something I haven't quite delved into yet.

I was playing this non-stop for about 6 months, then Role Queue happened and I have not picked up the game since. The game is mostly just toxic tryhards nowadays that feel like they're the only ones entitled to the DPS characters and if you don't choose meta characters they throw, and Blizzard has been pandering to this fucking idiots that suck the fun out of the damn game, even Casual mode is gutted by long-ass queue times. The first 2 years or so of this game were excellent. In 2018 I would’ve given this an 8 or even a 9, but for now… it was fun while it lasted.

These graphics were mind-blowing back then but given the current state of the franchise now it's just... eh. This game gets a half-star extra for Mega Ampharos alone

The best part of this game is the bonus area in the realistic bedroom. My brother and I would just laugh our asses off driving a little car around the map

More or less the same game as Sun but I enjoyed myself. The postgame is much better though here

I've played like 30 minutes of this game but the community, humor, characters, and style are so genuinely amazing.

Champed Up alone makes this game a masterpiece, but it also comes with bangers like Talking Points and Quiplash 3. The best party pack. Gather your friends for a game night and you'll be laughing up a storm in no time.

There is So. Much. Damn. Content. Still have to play Plague of Shadows, King of Cards, and Showdown.

A great follow-up game with a lot of fresh, well-executed ideas that don't stray too far from the formula to be jarring like PoS or KoK. A little too easy tbh, Specter Knight just plows through everything even though it feels badass as you do it. Surprisingly great story as well.

It's super fun but I've barely played it because it's so jarringly different and more complex than the last installment. Really hard to get into and lacks what I loved about Shovel Knight: Simplicity.

Also Mona and Plague Knight ahhhhhhhh my heart. Yes king go and get your tall goth gf

Haven't played too much of this, mostly because I'm not digging Joustus. Maybe I'll come back to it but again, lacks the simplicity that makes the first outing fantastic.

Fromsoftware DLC is literally some of the greatest shit ever huh