This is genuinely wholeheartedly the worst fighting game I've played in my entire life, had they not marketed this as a game that was meant to be played competively and given a slot at evo 2022 maybe I wouldn't be so angry at it being awful, but it is meant to be played competively and they still force me to play on Townsville with hazards and give me the camping debuff while I'm being camped out, 10 dollars per character is absolutely insane and somehow more predatory than overwatch 2s old character unlock system, I can't wait for this awful game to die a second time

Idk how they made the game less visually appealing than swsh but atleast this one is more fun

I've never been more disappointed with a game than gen 8, the story characters and pokedex are fine but this game looks so bad

The delta episode is cool and all but I still liked emerald more

Very over hated games they're really not THAT bad they're just a bit disappointing

Johto isn't a very fun region but the quality of life additions from gen 4 make it alot more playable

Kanto was already a fun region and now it's in an engine that actually WORKS

The gen 3 games are the first REALLY good pokemon games and they still hold up very well today