3 reviews liked by Zarmatura93

This is fun and nice! The platforming here is pretty decent, and the haptic feedback stuff is great. As far as a tech demo goes, this has way more than it needs to, and the homages to Playstation hardware and games alike are constantly nice. I have a few minor quibbles (controlling a glider with a gyroscope will never be fun, video game developers, and neither will multi-stage boss fights without a checkpoint in the middle), but all in all, it's free, it's pretty fun, and it's nice to see all of my Playstation memories in one place.

The definition of a jack of all trades but a master of none. It looks nice, but is unpolished and glitchy. It borrows gameplay elements from Souls games, Uncharted, and Arkham Knight and does things well, but never as well as the games it's influenced by. Still, it's a fun time and the best single player Star Wars experience there has been for a long long time.