Turbo Slow would be a more accurate name but I don’t think many people would download a game called Turbo Slow.

Goofy as hell like any good wrestling game should be.

Still waiting for a game that has you unlock cars in a more fun manner than this one.

Fairly unique and enjoyable story-telling game. Although the gimmick of playing as a new character each time started to wear thin near the end of the game.

Zero stars for the actual gameplay.

Three stars for the fever dream-esque character roster, commentary, and stadium environments.

Some observations:
-It’s called Race with Ryan because Ryan never shuts up.
-The game is clearly a cash grab aimed at unsuspecting parents who don’t know better.
-The actual racing isn’t all that terrible, believe it or not.

This is why I’m not an engineer.

The second best Cars game, which isn’t a high bar to clear.

Where does all this fruit come from? Why are there explosives interlaced? I need answers.

Great campaign and an elite multiplayer experience. Nearly all of the guns were viable to use which is a rarity with newer games. The pick 10 system was revolutionary at the time and should still be utilized.

High octane racing action that has aged very well.

Any game that allows you to have a bear companion named Cheeseburger is automatically good.

Fun for a little bit but gets repetitive pretty quick.

Batman wishes he was Night Avenger.

Gravel provides a very straightforward and lean racing experience. There are no vehicle upgrades, or even visible vehicle stats for that matter. You simply pick an event and race. This is somewhat refreshing though, as it makes racing the main focus.

One thing that Gravel really nailed is the variety of locales that you’ll race at. One event will have you racing under the northern lights in Iceland, while another will have you tearing along the coastline in Namibia. This makes what would otherwise be a repetitive experience fairly engaging.