Let’s take Rocket League’s basketball mode and remove every enjoyable aspect of it.

Some people consider themselves to be wine connoisseurs. Myself? I’m a connoisseur of strange kart racing games. So naturally, I had to play this.

-Each racer has its own unique item ability
-The visuals are decent
-Races don’t drag on too long

-Just about everything else

At the very least, the game seems to be too thoughtfully crafted to be a soulless cash grab.

Not as cool as the first entry but still a great game.

A Forza-branded candy crush game? Is nothing sacred anymore?

I’m sure that I would’ve appreciated this more back in 2009. The gameplay just doesn’t hold up very well today.

It’s a perfectly average arcade racer. I’d probably continue to play it if the career mode didn’t seem so shallow. It just feels like a massive checklist with no meaningful rewards to work towards.

Loses half a star because it corrupted my save and made me sit through three hours worth of nonsense again.

Just good enough to make you want to play an actual Fallout game.

There is some fun to be had here. I would’ve appreciated an option to skip regions that I had already completed though.

Cazzarion is a terrible Space Invaders clone. It has three modes, and they are all functionally the same. One of them is even named “Space Invader.” The only audio in this game stems from explosions, and it’s always the same exact sound effect. Similarly, the explosions all look exactly the same.

Cycling through the same 3 answers over and over again is a foolproof strategy.

The campaign is decent if you’re looking for a quick nazi-killing/WWII fix.

-Parachuting into each level breaks up the linearity that you see with most shooters
-The weapon upgrade system incentivized me to use different weapons
-Amusing ragdoll physics

-The AI, particularly your allies, are completely brain-dead and will be of very little help in combat
-The enemies can be unforgiving at times, even on normal difficulty
-Enemies respawn quickly if you aren’t advancing. This doesn’t mesh well with the slow, cover-based gunplay

Joe Danger is definitely not getting paid enough for this.

Pretty fun but the later levels will absolutely begin to test your patience.

Dubu is an absolute brick wall of an individual.