Easily the best Star Wars game to date. I would do unspeakable things for a remastered version.

Very accessible and easy to pick up which is important for a smooth-brain like myself.

How is the protagonist both terrified of water and an olympic-level swimmer?

The MMO of my childhood years. I made my mom buy me the membership at the time because I wanted cool lightsaber colors.

Why did everyone, myself included, have a copy of the game?

I was always jealous of the people with memberships.

This game was way ahead of its time. It had way more depth and character than your average arcade racing game.

Not as cool as the first one but still cooler than most arcade racers.


Mario Kart + actual cars is a good combination.

Enjoyable demolition derby game so long as you weren't using the headache-inducing 3D gimmick.

Fun game starting out which eventually becomes an unbearable grind.

Fun little platformer/racer to play with friends.

Definitely shows its age, but still a good start to a great franchise.