Oh boy

Yeah I did not like this one nearly as much as 1, I will say that it has improved in multiple areas, in fact I’ll list them right now.
The AI and general controls feel better and less clunky, like how the pikmin follow you more closely don’t get lost from the group as often as they did in the first game, the enemy variety has been expanded, I like exploring the worlds and seeing how these areas have changed since the first game, the story and characters are all actually pretty funny, with how the President is basically in debt to loan sharks because something ate some food, and also the dialogue you get with a bunch of different characters after the days are done, it’s all really charming and fun, I was really enjoying the game up until the debt was fully paid………..then the game got worse, now let me explain why I liked this game a lot less than the original.

You can probably guess why I like it less, one simple five letter word that brings this game down for me and many others…….caves.
Now at first, I actually liked the caves, at least when they started out they weren’t overly difficult and didn’t overstay their welcome, but then I started to worry cause the caves appeared a lot throughout the game, I was thinking this was just gonna be like 20-30% of what the game would be and the rest are just exploring the worlds………nope, it’s about what 60-70% of the game is, just going through these caves that are all randomly generated, and kinda detract from the game’s world, like it’s just little dark tunnels with no connection to the world’s theme, all randomly generated in ways.
Now I could forgive them not looking great if we didn’t have to spend too much time in them……..well, some of these fucking caves can go on for a while, the early ones are nice cause they only go on for like 4-5 levels and are generally over quick, but later in the game they go up to 7, 8, 9 levels, and particularly in the wistful wilds, they go over ten levels, which is just fucking crazy, not to mention that they get way harder as the game goes on, and not in a fair way, more in a “let’s put all these fucking enemies in here with bombs and rocks falling from the ceiling while we have electricity gates all around, which instantly kills any non yellow pikmin”, it’s fucking insane, and not in a good way………but I still got every treasure, still fought the final boss which was actually really cool, but was made unnecessarily difficult because of the gauntlet of a cave you gotta go through before, so I only had like 60 pikmin left, which could all easily be wiped out by the electrical attacks………..but I did it, saved Louie, and went for the final treasure, the weight………which needed 100 purple pikmin to carry it, so I went back and got that and got them to carry it, and I watched them carry it. Slowly. Watching. Them. Carry. It.
The speed of the carrying here felt like the developers just laughing at me, all this agony, all the pikmin lost, and this is what I get………..then you learn that Louie was actually the reason why the whole game happened, it’s like great, I should’ve just left you on the planet.

Look, this game is good, but it just feels like an overall downgrade from Pikmin 1, I think if they had tone down the caves and made them more easily digestible (or not randomly generated) and made them more like the theme of the world above, it would’ve improved the game tenfold.
It’s a game that’s great in short bursts but it sadly really overstays its welcome.

Now onto Pikmin 3

Holy shit

After the nightmare of the caves in Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3 is such a breath of fresh air, it took nine years for this game to come out and man it shows.
Pikmin 3 basically improves on almost everything from the previous 2 games, ok yeah some small things the first two games did better, like the story and the characters I liked better in first two……….that’s about it.
Can I just say, the new Pikmin they added are excellent, I didn’t much care for the white and purple Pikmin in Pikmin 2, but I adore the rock and flying Pikmin in this game, they feel much more well rounded and are used more throughout the game, in fact unlike Pikmin 2 where a lot of things could be made obsolete by the purple Pikmin, in this game everything is balanced, rock Pikmin are powerful but they can’t latch onto things, and flying Pikmin can more easily traverse areas but are weak in combat, the balance here is wonderful.
Speaking of combat, it’s been greatly improved here, the lock on is nice and in general you have more control over your Pikmin, there’s a few new enemies to face off against, but what I really want to talk about are the bosses, holy fuck.
These bosses are great, the sheer scale and size of all of them makes the battles feel far more impactful, the first fight with the armored worm thing is so nice, the bat thing in the cave is admittedly pretty easy but also fun, the sandworm thing is a great use of area effects with the constantly changing terrain and it’s satisfying to see this thing launch out of the ground after hitting it enough, the flying bug thing is neat, the fucking plant rock boss in the mud is just gargantuan, like holy shit, I was taken aback by it, and then there’s the plasm wraith, I’ll get to this boss in a bit though.
Oh my god, can I just please talk about the graphics man, they’re fucking beautiful, the first two games look good but oh my goodness, this is next level shit, the way everything looks just immerses you more into the world, which just makes it even better.
I also did both of Olimar’s side adventures, these were pretty neat, Olimar’s assignment was a nice short and simple way of showing us how Olimar explored the planet and ended up getting captured by the Plasm Wraith, and Olimar’s comeback is a nice epilogue to close out the game on.
Before I move on to the final part, let me address my two problems with this game, 1. It’s a little too easy, I mean I know I complained about 2 being hard as shit, but like that was just bullshit difficulty with all the bombs and rocks falling from the ceiling, here though, man it’s just way too easy, even the bosses go down quick (plasm wraith being an exception of course), and this leads to my other problem, 2. The game is very short, it took me like maybe 4-5 hours to beat the main stuff, maybe an extra hour or two for the missing fruit I collected and the Olimar stuff, but it’s just short man, though I guess I prefer the short and sweet route compared to the overstays its welcome route (looking at you Pikmin 2).

Now, the final level, the formidable oak, easily the best part of the game and maybe the whole series, it blends everything we love about Pikmin perfectly together, it takes some of the good elements of the caves in Pikmin 2 like the multiple layers, but adds a lot more atmosphere here, the plasm wraith feels like an excellent upgrade from the water wraith, the puzzles are more complex than some of the ones seen before, it utilizes the three captains really well, it’s long enough to be challenging but doesn’t overstay its welcome, and it all caps off with a fantastic final boss, much like the titan dweevil, it uses all elements to combat you, but adds a twist with the whole bringing down the wraith into pieces and destroying the individual pieces, also electricity doesn’t insta kill every non yellow Pikmin in the game, so that’s a plus, made the titan dweevil fight very annoying.
After all that, you get a nice ending cutscene with Olimar thanking you for rescuing him, you leave as the plasm wraith screams at your ship, and that ends Pikmin 3………(also earlier there’s an extremely funny cutscene where Louie jumps out of your ship, steals all your food supply, runs offscreen, and fucking explodes, it’s so funny man).

So yeah, that’s Pikmin 3, an excellent adventure that just improves on everything the series has done, and it’s easily one of Nintendo’s best games, if Pikmin 4 can top this game, then holy fuck we’re in for something truly special.
Now one last thing before I finish this review off, I played this game once back in 2020 when it first came out on switch, and it’s weird cause I did not remember a fucking thing about the game when I replayed it this time, it’s kinda weird honestly, and since this basically a first playthrough for my brain, I’m just gonna put it on the 2023 list.

Now, we wait for Pikmin 4, just one more week and maybe the Pikmin subreddit will finally be normal again…………oh who am I kidding that place r/BatmanArkham on steroids.

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July 21st 2023, many people called it Barbenheimer day, but some others saw it as a different day, Barbminheimer day, because after a ten year long wait Pikmin 4 was finally unleashed, and what a game it is.

Pikmin 4 is incredible, it once again increases the scale from the previous game, but in a MUCH larger way, there’s more variety in everything with all the treasures, many enemies new and old are here too, it’s all so much bigger, and so much better.

This game is two things, a culmination of everything from the previous games nearly fully realized in one game, and it’s also a spiritual successor to Pikmin 2 (much like how 3 was to 1).
This game has everything, big natural worlds to explore akin to Pikmin 1 and 3, many multilayered caves spread throughout the worlds like in Pikmin 2, and it’s also got a plethora of new things, like a brand new camera angle that puts more of a focus on your character while also making the world look even larger, and of course Oatchi, I like Oatchi.
Another thing I do love is that Louie is straight up just the main villain, at least in the second half of the game, it’s really funny, and the fact that unlike in Pikmin 2 where you don’t know if he’s controlling the final boss or if he’s not, in this game he just straight up is controlling it, or at least actively using it to harm you, shit is very funny.

Ok I know this review seems pretty rushed, but like man, I just adore this game so much, it definitely has its problems, bosses aren’t nearly as epic in scale as they were in 3 (though Groovy Long Legs and the ancient sirehound are phenomenal bosses), auto lock can definitely get annoying, but man, I just adore this game, go play it.

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Basically security breach but more polished, next to no bugs or glitches, more linear, more focus on an actual threat throughout the game, and for the first time in forever, barely a scent of William Afton…………well there’s the mimic thing but it’s a separate entity at least.

Done with Pikmin, and now it’s time for the Donkey Kong series baby.

Starting off with the arcade classic……..it’s fine.
Kinda the same thing I’ve said with the first Mario, Zelda, and Metroid games, it was pretty revolutionary and ambitious for its time, and this even predates those three games, it’s an arcade game with a good foundation for platformers in general, but it is pretty barebones.

Now onto Donkey Kong Jr…………..expect the next review in like 15-20 minutes honestly

Oh ho ho, getting slightly better there DK arcade games.

I mean it’s an improvement from the first one, there’s a bit more to the controls, general platforming has some more unique things to it and HOLY MOLY THERE’S 4 LEVELS INSTEAD OR 3.
Aside from that stuff though, yeah it’s still pretty barebones, but this doesn’t have as much of an excuse because it didn’t really revolutionize games kinda like the original did.

Onto Donkey Kong 3……….I’ll see y’all again in like 15-20 minutes.

The fuck?

So this is barely even a Donkey Kong game, there’s no platforming or Mario whatsoever, you just play as this kid just spraying DK a bunch, it’s like pathetically easy as well.

Well that was shit……….but at least now I get to play Donkey Kong Country, an actual game that’ll last longer than ten minutes.

The 4th game in my DK marathon and it’s the first one that actually feels like an actual video game

Donkey Kong Country is a short but ultimately super satisfying platformer, I love the gameplay itself, DK has so much weight to him and it adds a sense of realism to this game that other platformers lack, it also helps that this game just looks incredible, the use of silicon graphics here is superb, it gives the game this unique style and couple that with how expressive every enemy and character is, it just really makes it feel alive.
The bosses admittedly are very ok, most of them are just bigger versions of regular enemies, the big death barrel boss was kinda funny but nothing much beyond that, however despite that, the final boss against King K Rool is great, he does more than just one attack in the fight, it’s the one arena that isn’t just a giant banana pile, his animations are really well done, it’s all around just a great final fight, and a nice way to end the game.
The big thing that really elevates this game above a lot of platformers is the atmosphere and the soundtrack, holy fucking shit, the atmosphere is insane for an SNES game, I thought nothing could rival Super Metroid but I mean, here we are, and the soundtrack god damn, the soundtrack is the nice as hell icing on the cake, the one thing that fully rounds out the levels in the game, and makes this game a near masterpiece, it is legitimately one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard in a video game, and I got multiple games with a similar soundtrack to get through, hell yeah.

Overall DKC is an absolute classic, and I loved it dearly.
Now onto DKC 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest

Basically the original, but better

Donkey Kong Country 2 is a marvelous game, the first game I’d already said got pretty close to perfect, and this one also almost reached it, it’s a phenomenal game.
It’s a tiny bit longer than the last game which made it even better, the graphics obviously look about the same but there’s very subtle changes and, I mean, it still is gorgeous no matter what.
The gameplay is also better here, it’s much faster thanks to the obviously more light weightedness of Diddy and Dixie compared to Donkey Kong, aside from the speed it’s still the same good ass platforming, but this time with better level design.
Of course, the best thing here again is the soundtrack, HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, shit man it’s so good, it flows with the last game beautifully, it’s incredible man.
Also I will say, the original was already pretty difficult, but, GOD DAMN, this game is fucking tough.

Overall it’s another incredible DK platformer, nothin much else to say beyond that.
Now onto DKC 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble.

A nice little bow tie to this SNES trilogy

DKC 3 is another wonderful journey through the world of Donkey Kong Country, it still has the same amazing atmosphere and look for the previous two, controls are still as good as ever, the soundtrack is a bop as usual, everything DKC is still here.
However, there are a few things holding this game back, I like a good majority of the levels but there are some that are just straight up bad, Kiddy Kong may move slow, and he can’t jump high, but unlike Chunky Kong he’s not even a hell of a guy, basically what I’m saying is Kiddy sucks to play as compared to Dixie, often I would just restart levels if Dixie got hit, Kiddy is just not satisfying to play as.
Also something I somehow forgot to mention in my DKC 2 review were the bosses, holy hell they were fantastic in that game, but in here they’re just ok, they’re all original so that makes it better than DKC 1’s repeating bosses but kind of a letdown compared to 2.

Hey despite its shortcomings I still really enjoyed my time with the game, it’s terrific, and a nice way to cap off this trilogy, and the SNES itself.
Now onto Donkey Kong Country Returns, played this one when I was younger so I can imagine there will be a bit of a nostalgia bias in my next review.
Sadly I can’t play DK64, I have no way to access it, but considering that I’m a collectithon completionist and I’ve heard that game is just a nightmare to fully complete, yeah maybe it’s a blessing in disguise (if it does come to switch online I’ll most likely play it)

And after basically 14 years without a DKC game, Nintendo suddenly blessed us with this game.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is a fantastic game, the levels are great, the game looks fucking beautiful, the soundtrack is another absolute masterpiece, the game is just so good.

The amount of shit that can happen in just one level is insane, you can start off at a nice normal pace, then you’ll be blasting yourself out of barrels and completely destroying ancient ruins in the blink of an eye, shit is wild, and this energy is kept all throughout the game.

Speaking of, the game looks beautiful, so many little details in the animation of things, the way levels are structured so there are no random floating platforms, it makes the world feel so much more natural, and it makes you feel like you’re a god damn ape.

And of course, the soundtrack, a complete fucking bop, every level every boss every thing has an absolute jam of a soundtrack behind it, keeping this game every bit as funky as the og trilogy.

This game does have one problem, now the controls, they are great, Donkey Kong’s weight is really felt in gameplay, the way they use Diddy more as a companion who makes your life easier is much better than the original games where the secondary character is just there, the roll has been improved in terms of motion, the blowing mechanic is neat, and the beating on the ground is pretty funny and fun to do………….now here’s where the problem is, those last three thing I mentioned are locked behind the forced Wii remote waggle system, and it’s like legitimately insane, WHO THE DECIDED THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA.
Now admittedly the beating on the ground and just punching the shit out of bosses after you beat them is pretty cathartic with the waggle, I don’t mind the motion controls being used there, but who in the fuck decided to lock the roll behind it, it’s almost a necessary move to get through some levels and bosses, and you need to waggle the controller every time, like why not just use the B button?

Now the thing with the motion controls is that they can easily be fixed, the 3Ds version allows you to play like a normal human being by actually making it so that you play with buttons, so I could definitely see a switch port of this game doing the same, with that said, if it’s technically a minor gripe, then why don’t I give this game a five star?
Well the answer is pretty simple, it’s actually a pretty similar reason with why I gave portal 1 only a 4.5, and it comes down to this: the game’s sequel did literally almost everything exponentially better, and speak of the devil.

The next (and final) game I’m gonna play for this DK marathon is Donkey Kong Country: Tropica Freeze.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is a fucking masterpiece.

This game is a work of art, a masterpiece from beginning to end, as a sequel to Returns it improves and every category, the levels are even more explosive, daring, and far more unique, the game looks fucking incredible, even better than how beautiful returns was, the soundtrack is even more peak shit, all of it was absolutely beautiful, and the controls are basically perfect.

The levels in Returns were already really good, but god damn they’ve been improved here tenfold, every level is brimming with personality and creativity, I can say this, the previous games have all had at least like a few levels that were not really that good, but there is not a single bad level in this game, not even a single mediocre one in it either, they’re all great.
There is never a moment in this game where the fun dies down, not only are level themes and general worlds improved and much more varied, even the mine cart and rocket barrel levels are really fun, the game just never loses your attention.
The controls are vastly improved here from Returns, gone is any bullshit with Wii remote controls, now you can play like a normal person and it’s great, controls are tight and precise while still carrying that same DKC weight that all these games have had.
In the switch version, there’s also Funky Kong, and he controls wonderfully, they did not need to go that hard for what is essentially an easy mode character, like he controls so well that we could easily have a whole game designed around him.

It also helps that in terms of the visuals, this is by far one of the best looking 2D platformers ever made, and in my opinion, one of the best looking games ever made, it has style, it has grace, and a good amount of the enemies have a funny face.
Every level is brought to life with just how damn good the game looks, even when levels have the same theme, they are made distinct thanks to just how good they can look.

The soundtrack man, THE SOUNDTRACK, David wise returned here and it shows, every single level has the funkiest music you can imagine, the water levels especially GOD DAMN, it adds more atmosphere to everything, just like the og trilogy.

My complaints for this game are very minimal honestly, even though I do like the variety with your kong buddies, Dixie is just the objectively best one, her little float and upward movement is much better than Diddy’s hover, Cranky is unique enough to be his own thing and I’ve seen speed runners do crazy shit with him, but I always just stuck with Dixie.
Another complaint is that, while they are better and more dynamic than they were in returns, the bosses are still just decent at best, and both games final bosses are a far cry from K. Rool and his multiple alter egos.

Those gripes though just absolutely can’t take away from how great this game is, it’s incredibly fun all the way through and not only is it easily one of Nintendo’s best games, not only is it my favorite 2D platformer, it’s also one of my personal favorite games of all time.

And so ends the DK series, you know, considering that games like Metroid and Pikmin have made a comeback on the switch, I think it’s time for Donkey Kong to make his comeback, just make K. Rool and the kremlings the main villains again, it was nice to have some new villains but I also think it’s time for them to make their return.

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God damn

For years I’ve been in and out of playing Hollow Knight, basically since like 2018 or 2019, I’ve played a bit of this game, but didn’t get like super far, before this playthrough the farthest I got was like the first Hornet fight, but I always stopped cause I guess it didn’t really click with me

Until this playthrough of course

You’ve heard it from everyone else and you’re about to hear it from me too, Hollow Knight is a fucking masterpiece, an absolutely punishing but satisfying adventure from the little town of Dirtmouth all the way to the void beatdown of the radiance, the bosses are fantastic, the level design is superb, the combat is flashy and fast and oh so good to pull off, the game looks just absolutely breathtaking, the soundtrack is phenomenal, and the lore is straight up fire.

As both a Metroidvania AND a soulslike game, it is of course incredibly difficult, taking the exploration and level design of Metroid and Castlevania, while also having the combat and death system of Dark Souls, it is superb, it’s fast and will often punish you but it just feels so damn good to master.

You can’t have amazing combat without some amazing fights, luckily this game delivers, bosses like Hornet, the Mantis Lords, the Watchers, Grimm, The Hollow Knight itself, The Radiance, and so many more, aside from a few slip ups here and there (I’m looking at you massive moss charger), it’s overall just a great line up of bosses.

I mean bro, JUST LOOK AT HOW GOOD THIS GAME LOOKS, it feels like this game took every fiber of the atmosphere from Dark Souls and Metroid and combined them into one, the game has an incredible style, truly immersive atmosphere, and no matter where you are in the game, it just looks so pretty.
The soundtrack adds to this, shit is an absolute bop, I especially love the city of tears’ theme, the kingdom’s edge theme, and the theme for the Hollow Knight boss.

Everything in this game is all tied up together with some of the most detailed, well put together, and super interesting lore I’ve seen in a minute, Hallownest is a tragic and broken place, no matter where you go you feel like you’re only seeing remnants of what it once was, warriors and civilians who have either gone mad or have just died are scattered all throughout the kingdom, so many characters going through so many tragic scenarios, it’s beautiful.
Of course it isn’t all doom and gloom, there are plenty of funny little moments throughout, there’s the funny map guy, Zote, the dude who helps you on the Uumuu fight, the one guy who brags about how he’s an ultimate fighter throughout the whole game and then once you do your first coliseum tournament, you can literally find his corpse in the kingdom’s edge, I would feel sympathy for him but ngl when I saw his body kinda laughed my ass off.
My two favorite characters have got to be Hornet and The Hollow Knight, Hornet is such a mysterious and interesting character, I love the few moments you see her throughout the game, it really builds her up and it such a satisfying moment when she swings in and staggers the hollow knight long enough for you to either finish him off or enter its dream, and speak of the devil, the hollow knight himself is probably one of the best written characters I’ve seen, he completely symbolizes the tragic nature of hallownest, born only to be a vessel to keep the radiance sealed, he ultimately failed cause he wasn’t fully hollow, he had a love for his father, the pale king, and this ultimately leads him to basically being the Radiance’s little torture subject, when you find the hollow knight, he’s just nearly gone, a husk of a proud knight, who quite literally stabs himself just to end his torment, you can kill him and take his place which would end his suffering, but the more satisfying option is to head into his dream, fight the Radiance, and finally corner it, which leads to a great final sequence where you get to beat the shit out of the radiance in your shade form, and it’s even better cause moments earlier the hollow knight himself was the one who opened the weak spot on the Radiance, it’s such a satisfying narrative and gameplay pay off, I love it.

Hollow Knight is a work or art, a beautiful game from beginning to end, I highly recommend it……..if you can handle difficult games.
Now to wait for Silksong…………..ah fuck.

Basically takes every enemy placement problem in SOTFS away

The internet lied to me, vanilla is far superior to SOTFS