20 Reviews liked by Zeldewi

Peter Parker is such a fucking pussy, if I was Spider-Man, I'd kill people, vandalize, steal shit, and fuck Black Cat raw.

Metal Gear Solid, created by Hideo Kojima, is a legendary video game series known for its captivating storytelling, innovative gameplay, and deep themes. Like Hannibal Barca's conquests, Metal Gear Solid demonstrates strategic brilliance, challenging players to navigate complex narratives and stealth-based gameplay. Both Kojima's creation and Hannibal's campaigns explore themes of power, deception, and the human condition, leaving a lasting impact on their respective mediums.

So, I finally played Metal Gear Solid 1.... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, KOJIMA?!

I can definitely see why this game was revolutionary at the time of its release. MGS 1 and Half Life 1 were really pushing the boundaries in terms of cinematic storytelling in gaming.

The story, the characters and the voice acting are definitely the strongest points of this game. The plot is just as unique, interesting and engaging as it is weird, bizarre and downright hilarious. There are also many iconic 4th wall breaking moments.

The dialog is absolutely top tier. One moment it's extremely serious, the next it's comedic gold. I don't think I've ever laughed this hard while playing a game.

'-You've got a great butt.
-Ah, I see. First, it's my eyes. Now it's my butt. What's next?
-On the battlefield you never think about what's next.'

The game was also surpsingly easy to control (except for the shooting omg). Both the weapon and the item menus are really easy to navigate. You find lots of different items and weapons throughout the game, and they are all pretty useful. Even the grenades, which is pretty rare when it comes to old games. This wide variety of gadgets helps to tailor the gameplay to your play style.

So, what's the bad then? Well, it's the gameplay itself, mainly the gunplay. It did not age well. Aiming with your weapon is extremely clunky, which is unfortunate as you die really fast in this game.
The fight against Sniperwolf is the worst offender here. Your sniper rifle's scope zooms in too much, and it takes 5 years to aim at her. When she hits you, your crosshair flies away.

There's also lots of backtracking. At one point even Snake comments on it, asking if he really has to go all the back to the beginning of the level to find an item. It's weird because it feels like they did this on purpose to annoy the player.

One section at the end of the game is a backtracking nightmare. You have to climb up on the metal gear and plug a key into three different computers, but the key's temperature has to be modified for each computer.
When you climb up, you drop the key so you have to climb down and find it again. Then climp up again. Enter code 1. Now climb down again, go back a few rooms and freeze the key. Climb up again, enter 2nd code. Now climb down again, and go back even more rooms to warm up the key. Then climb up again and enter the 3rd code. WHY WAS THIS NECESSARY?!!!

Anyway, I look forward to playing the sequels now.

Okay, here we are - first actual live reaction on backloggd.
Metal Gear Solid is straight up amazing. Even if the controls are fucked on Master Collection and from the my beginning with the franchise I see how lazy Konami is, I still had wonderful time.
My first Kojima game and you can tell at every corner how actually wild this man is. Breaking 4th wall, making it a game mechanic, wonderful atmosphere driven by very movie-ish narration and filled with this silly humour.
Revolutionary at every aspect and can't wait to open up the second one.

Normal campaign, awesome zombies

this is like if porn was a video game

After playing for many hours, one day I took a break and haven't gone back. It looks promising and I really want to like it but I guess it's too boring for me to pick it up again.

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logging this a second time just to say its a huge privilege to not have a Twitter account and only hear about whatever bullshit argument is happening on there secondhand when I read people's reviews for games on here. Now I actually get to enjoy things.

Writing was really funny, art is great, and despite the game having a really juvenile tone a lot of the time it's good at getting serious and depicting fucked up relationship dynamics. I saw someone complaining that the all of the cannibalism/murder/incest is just some juvenile attempt to shock the audience, I think to some extent that's true but that's not where the horror in this game lies, the pscyhological horror of this game comes in the scenes where you watch the main characters verbally abuse each other one minute and then talk normally the next just because the verbal abuse is such a regular part of their relationship. The horror comes when you realize the incest is not some barely disguised author's fetish but is actually the disgusting culmination of Ashley's obsessive, possessive, narcissistic nature and Andrew's creepy attraction to her that has kept him from just leaving this whole time. The nature of the impacts of abuse here is depicted very realistically, where a codependent pair keeps each other down while hurting anyone who gets near them.

Hyped for part 3, fuck Twitter and fuck the sharty.

Lots of fun playing this with the boys and at school LAN parties.

This game is amazing, I don't understand why the reviews for this are all so negative. If you're sick of open world RPGs that hold your hand with quest markers, have easy combat and fast travel, then you should give this a try. You don't get stronger in this game by levelling up, you get stronger by actually adapting to the combat and learning to prepare properly before venturing out.

I'm skeptical that people who call this game a walking simulator with an empty world actually played it at all, there's lots to explore and uncover in the world, and it takes a long time before you feel you really "solved" the game. The game isn't perfect, but it's one of the more enjoyable RPG experiences I've had in the last few years.

Love the idea, but hate wasting most of my time walking.


Not my kind of game, it was cool because I like Warhammer, but Total War has never been my thing (I suck at it)

Helps me pull so many bitches when I tell them about my Total War: Rome 2 campaign