after all these years, they finally made another good bowser final boss fight...

fondly looking back on when the first teaser for this dropped and everyone assumed it would be bad because of the logo

pretty fun when you don't have redditors in your ear telling you its nasty

masterful game design in the use of the "f" key throughout

damn near perfect soundtrack. platforming is a little annoying but ultimately worth it overall

building a fighting game around having 4 players in a match is one of the dumbest things i've seen in a while lmao

never uninstalled a game quicker than after listening to the robot companion in this for 5 minutes

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if they're writing happy/conclusive endings for all these characters then we really aren't getting another judgment game. damn

genuinely incredible how bad the sound mixing is on this lol

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this is what happens when teachers are too dedicated to their jobs

anybody who says yakuza 3 is worse than 4 has not watched any of 4's cutscenes

definietly a step down from 0, but still pretty good. however, it still feels very much like a game that was written in 2005

undoubtedly their best one yet. all of them are winners

could've been fun if the level design was better and the writing wasn't so insufferable