Silly rail shooter with speed-typing controls that is quite fun to play through in spite of its age mostly due to the lack of similar games.
+ entertaining one-hour-long "story" mode with quick pacing
+ obviously dated yet fitting visuals featuring grotesque monster designs
+/- super cheesy writing and hilariously bad voice acting
- a little obnoxious music (which is fine for a short time)
- no space inputs or capitalization required
- unintuitive main menu
- words sometimes obfuscated by the HUD
- randomized sentences with frequently disproportional difficulty
- no persistent save data

Clear fan service gacha game that is unlikely to please anyone who isn't already a fan of the series and wants to spend more time with the characters.
+ comparatively high production values with great animations
+ some cute interactions in a strong ensemble cast
+ reasonable F2P experience at least for the start (2-minute account reroll, free daily gacha drop, limited equipment slots)
+ pleasant soundtrack
+/- convenience features such as autoplay and mission skips
- functional but strategically shallow turn-based combat mostly dictated by numbers
- mediocre UI dragged down by constant loading screens
- no exploration outside of small, linear side-scrolling parts
- badly paced and (initially) uninteresting story with a forced premise and no real hooks

Solid standalone campaign that offers the main game's quality in a tighter package.
+ well-designed trio of main characters who play well together with their mostly new abilities
+ fun map design that makes great use of different mechanics
+ more optional puzzles
+ beautiful tropical setting
+ very smooth albeit low difficulty curve
- rigid party composition without any unit additions whatsoever

Bizarre combination of franchises in a very competent cover-based tactical RPG.
+ well-designed combat system that appears simple but has a lot of depth (mostly due to freedom in movement)
+ small but amusing selection of units who each fill a unique role with flexibility through skills
+ appealing environmental design that seamlessly integrates battle arenas and features a lot of detailed backdrops
+ decent difficulty curve with only a couple potential roadblocks
+/- a lot of different puzzles to break up the strategy gameplay loop (most of which are unfortunately easier to brute-force than solve properly)
- pathetic options menu (e.g. no defaults for fast forward or easy mode)
- no map or zoom function for orientation purposes
- tiny active team of 3 with Mario as a mediocre forced unit

Fantastic sequel to Breath of the Wild that may not be as big of an advancement for the series but more than makes up for that with careful expansion and polish.
+ new crafting ability that enables countless different playstyles
+ large new areas and noticeable changes to old environments like a population increase making the world appear fresh
+ even better soundtrack especially for daunting moods
+ decent main story featuring some poignant character writing
+ more items, enemies, etc. to engage with
+ better-designed (combat) shrines
+ optional companions reducing solitude and helping in battle (with clunky abilities)
- a few writing inconsistencies (disappearance of previous technology, existence of sky islands, main villain)
- lower sense of adventure due to ease of travel
- slightly disappointing sky islands beyond the tutorial
- still generally poor side content rewards
- no effective revision of the weapon breaking system
- more traditional but still lacking dungeons that are laced with repetitive design choices and unneeded cutscenes

One of the better top-down survival shooters out there that is worth trying for its clean visuals and solid gameplay.
+ genre-suited, color-coded art style with almost perfect clarity
+ distinct upgrade paths and satisfying synergies
+ good number of visually appealing characters who play differently enough
+ quite imbalanced but nonetheless fun weapons
+ decent game settings including difficulty and aiming style
- a few bugs when using controller
- messy display of chosen upgrades
- underwhelming bosses that are barely worth paying attention to
- lack of variety in environments
- some obviously overpowered choices in a fairly small pool of upgrades

Technically refined but really bland stage-based action gacha game.
+ satisfying 3rd person shooter gameplay with abilities and character switching for sufficient depth
+ nice and fitting electronic soundtrack
+ clean visual style with competently made assets
+ very functional albeit unoriginal UI
+ good PC controls
- generically cute girls who don't stand out at all
- unremarkable mini stages and repetitive enemy spawns
- unexciting visual-novel-type narrative with serious pacing issues

Fine continuation of the DLC story that isn't as neatly made as the first part but enriches the overall game quite nicely.
+ more long-term content with grindable missions and an even larger pool of new Pokémon
+ refreshingly challenging double matchups as default
+ natural conclusion to the previously unfinished narrative
- uninvolved legendary that comes out of nowhere at the end
- less appealing main map

Decent expansion that offers more of the same content in a smaller package.
+ sweet character-driven plot involving a cute legendary
+ pretty new map with slightly interesting lore
+ sizable number of older Pokémon added
- very little improvement to the technical issues

Generally fine remake that has a lot of positive quality-of-life changes but still can't compete with Pokémon Platinum in terms of content.
+ faithful adaptation bringing out nostalgia for the old story and world
+ similarly impressive post-game and side-content
+ HM moves don't need to be taught to be usable
+ fancy world map with a shortcut to Fly
+ fast and good-looking battle animations
+/- divisive graphics overhaul with a mix of chibi and anime art in and outside combat
- practically zero innovation or boldness at display

Daring series continuation with solid gameplay and one of the least serious but also most engaging narratives yet.
+ four distinctly compelling protagonists whose stories intertwine nicely
+ most consistently great soundtrack so far
+ fun combat with a simple but effective upgrade system making each level gain noticeable
+ more cinematic cutscenes than before
+ brilliant finale in spite (or because?) of all the silliness
+ significant visual improvements compared to Yakuza 3 (Remastered)
- no interesting new locations or the like
- very shaky writing toward the end

Unapologetic League of Legends clone that is worse in almost every way but still not terrible for a mobile game of its time.
+ very large and diverse roster of characters to play
+ short matches considering the genre
+ no extreme pay-to-win elements
+ easily accessible game statistics
- unrefined control schemes
- completely stolen visual identity
- the usual overloaded f2p mobile interface
- slow unlock rate for new characters who are much better than the starting ones

Stripped-down MOBA that could be a solid casual game if it weren't for the anti-competitive mobile philosophy.
+ simple but fun gameplay with intuitive progression
+ decent controls given the platform (rarely overbearing auto-aim)
+ bright presentation fitting for a Pokémon game
- small free character roster and very expensive unlocks
- terrible matchmaking that takes quite a while to gauge your skill level
- typical mobile interface with annoying notifications everywhere
- significant stat advantages for either paying or month-long grinding (even in ranked matches)

Minimalistic twin-stick shooter that has enough style to distinguish itself from obvious inspirations.
+ limited vision range affecting both atmosphere and gameplay a lot
+ strong identity with an unusually dark aesthetic and realistic weapons
+ substantial leveling upgrades involving drawbacks
+ clear visuals preventing unfair damage
- tonally fitting but still weak soundtrack
- some amateurish graphic elements (explosions...)
- lackluster build variety
- only straight weapon unlocks for overall progression
- few distinct moments to break up each run

Well-designed survival game that constitutes a good entry point for the superior multiplayer and "Reign of Giants" entries.
+ appropriately stressful time management that always leaves room for improvement
+ whimsical and unique art style with creative creature designs
+ atmospheric sound direction
+ fairly self-explanatory gameplay in spite of no directions given
- lackluster UI without (easily installable) mods
- low amount of concrete content