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Heroes of Might and Magic V
Heroes of Might and Magic V
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight


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A game of contrasts, I guess.

The good:
Genshin has a great openworld that's really interesting to explore. It gets more impressive with every major patch. The game also has a fantastic soundtrack and a few unexpectedly good side stories.

The meh:
Combat is good for a mobile game but gets really stale fast despite how genuinely well-made and intuitive the elemental system is. Some of the character designs are great, but for the most part they are underwhelming and look cheap. It doesn't help that there are tens of characters and only 5 body types (which at times really hurts the designs).

The bad:
The worst thing about Genshin is its writing. Main story gets a little bit better by chapter 3 (Sumeru) and by that time finally introduces somewhat interesting ways of presenting a story (too late), but remains pretty boring. Event stories are almost always terrible and painfully uninteresting. Events are overall more often than not awful.

About the gacha element: please, don't play the game it if you have gambling issues. Otherwise the game is more friendly in this regard than most gachas (never payed for anything, have every single character I wanted). Artefact farming is absolutely horrendous, avoid it. Avoid any unnecessary farming, actually.

I believe in fate thanks to Hollow Knight.

I bought the game on sale not knowing a thing about it, not looking at screenshots nor reading any reviews. Just because I had absolutely nothing else to do, I guess (I was having a cold at the time so I was stuck in my room for days) and felt like buying it for no reason at all.

And I got lost in it for tens of hours every single day. It helped me forget about my cold and reminded me that games can be so captivating they become literally addictive.

Months after completing the game I kept coming back to it: to beat Nightmare King (I had to: the friend I recommended and gifted the game to beat him by that time), to complete speedrunning achievements, to beat the 4th Pantheon. And I was having fun every single time.

Favorite game.