Well, it's way better than the 3 before it I guess, but it's still just kind of a mindless nothing

Very hard game to rate properly, I think. Story mode only lasted me 8-9 hours, OST wasn't quite as good as I hoped for, and I usually felt like the gameplay itself could use more variety. Usually all things that would be serious knocks to a game's score, especially for one that cost me 30 smacks. But I don't know, I'm really fond of the time I spent in this game. It surprises me just how attached I feel to this experience. I'm comfortable rating it this high despite the flaws, and I'm definitely coming back to play more once I'm done cleaning up my 2023 games. Good stuff team reptilians

This game kinda rocks honestly

it gets a little points for being a little funny

Kind of annoying for like 20-30 minutes until I got some good abilities, and then good fun for the rest of the 3-4 hours I played. I will forever wonder whether people play this game for the game or for the MC

Alright this game inspired in me some feelings

I went very high to very very low to high again in my enjoyment here. First off: I have to admit that no matter my thoughts on the design philosophy here, this is an incredible realization of a great concept. The whole package is lovely from the get-go; the style, music, gameplay are all lovely and super cohesive. You can tell an absolute shit-ton of time went into refining the entire experience, and it's most of the reason my score is so high. I loved the first two levels a lot, and having a couple harder bonus stages in each level was a welcome addition

I think Level 3 is where I started feeling the pain. This is where I realized that the "Difficulty: Easy" shown below the stage wasn't a statement letting you know how hard that particular stage was, it was a slider, and I had been playing on Easy the whole time. I switched to Hard and it was a nightmare. I beat one stage and the next one was just a catastrophe. Frankly, I don't understand how someone could enjoy the whole game being like that, but that's beside the point

Even leaving it on Easy, by the time I got to Level 5 I was getting irate. Peeved. Some of the stages just felt ridiculous, owing mostly to the fact that I would reset every time I died. I was going for a personal goal of A+ or higher because that's the rank where I felt like I did a good job of properly conquering the level. I genuinely don't know if I would have been happier just taking the deaths and moving on with a B, C, or even D rank. This is the part of the game where I started wondering, "Is this unfair? Am I bad? Should I care about my ranks this much? What is the platonic ideal gameplay I should be going for here?" It may sound silly but I generally try to play a game closest to how the developer imagines a competent person would play. I really like to get the experience that they wanted to impart on me, the gamer. So when I'm presented with a situation like this where I'm faced with the choice of continuing to "conquer" each stage or lower my expectations of myself and move on, it starts to generate the bad feelings

I'm sure if I asked the dev personally, they would simply want me to do whatever gives me the most enriching experience in my eyes, and not to worry about how good or bad my ranks are. But I definitely care about how competent I am at a game like this, especially when I've already completed multiple hours of the game while achieving my personal goal. So, I kept on with what I was doing, and I got angry, and I continued anyways

Level 6 felt like a breaking point, but I powered through to 7, and halfway through it, I kind of had my eureka moment. I was really seeing the vision. The stages were flowing one after another, everything felt cohesive but like in a new way, a more meta-gamey way. I was enjoying myself fully again. In Level 9 I had a few gamer rage moments again, but then the Finale was really cool and honestly felt like the only place in the game where I was okay with taking a death and continuing

And then it was over, and I had to sit there and accept the fact that even though the day before I was rumbling and grumbling about the game, I felt way more positive about this game than negative. I may have issues with stage layouts, mechanics, enemies, general difficulty, and whatever else, but in the end I can properly see the vision here. I don't think I share the vision, but that's not what a game is for. A game is a chance to experience someone else's vision and see if it clicks in your reality. This was overall a very cool experience, especially after following its development for quite a while, and I look forward to Jaklub's future works

The text one rules but the rest are mehish

A good excuse to fuck around wit da buddies, but nothin crazy

Rolling roses for the end of my true 100% (all cousins, all super clears, 100% collection, all stickers) but I need to review for the GOTY thing

Here's my review: They took my #2 game of all time and made it pretty and shiny and 60 fps'd it and made the lil guys more expressive (at the cost of their neutral expression being worse). I'm not one to say better graphic = better game, and I love the look of the original Katamari games, but this is perfect. It's the exact same art style beautifully recreated in as high quality as my eyes can perceive. I really can't see myself playing the PS2 version anymore now that this exists, so it will be taking its spot on my favorites. Thank you for giving me an excuse to experience this wonderful game again

I forgot to reeview teehee. I forgot.

I played with my friend and it was so bad! I wish to play it again but they all got arrested I think! I really really want to play this again!



Sometimes you play a game and when you put it down, your thoughts on it kinda just dwindle, like if you're not actively playing it then it's hard to really feel the game's goodness. This is like the opposite, where I wasn't really thinking of how good the game is while playing, but now that I've put it down I'm marveling at how actually genius it is in certain aspects

There's also a special place in my heart for games that just let you fail and grow with no expectations of you at all. It even encourages you a bit and reminds you that there's no reason to push yourself, simply do your best. I'm not always the biggest fan of stuff like that but here I think it complements the experience nicely. The lack of something greater to "work" towards is a tiny let down but that's just a me thing, I'm not docking points for it

The abilities are neat as hell, the gameplay loop is quick and satisfying, sometimes you just pull some shit out of your ass last-second and get the most monumental victory of the last 5 minutes and you really feel the dopamine hit. Pretty stellar for such a small game, if you ask me